Chapter 17- The Alpha

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It was the day of my shift, and somehow, my entire body could feel it. Electricity coursed through my veins.

I felt alive in a way I've never felt before. I felt strong, and fast.

I felt invincible.

Still, as my eyes wondered across the faces of the council members in Declans jeep, my confidence fell greatly.

Gerard had hardly let his eyes off of me from the passenger seat. Occasionally, hed lift his head to look at me in the rearview mirror, as if reassuring himself that I was still there.

Declan had reluctantly taken Issac with us, after trying to talk Gerard into bringing someone else, to no avail.

Issac was younger than I initially thought, only 14. Hed turned just less than a year ago, but had already made his way up the ranks as a great tracker.

He ran beside the jeep, keeping pace with us. Isaacs wolf was small and lanky, but was able to easily match the speed of the jeep to follow us to the outskirts of Maple Falls.

I followed the mass of sandy colored fur as he barreled through the trees, my heart breaking as I thought about what could happen to him.

An indescribable, sick feeling pulled at my stomach as the jeep pulled off onto a trail in the treeline, and stopped.

Declan went to step out of the driver's seat, but Gerard quickly stopped him with a cold and callous tone of voice.

"Next time you question me, Declan, will be the last time."

Declan avoided eye contact, but I could feel his rage like a tether to my own.

I felt a growl rumbling in my chest, but I forced it down quickly, following Declan and the council as they stepped out of the vehicle.

Issac waited in his wolf form by the jeep. He was winded, and his chest heaved as he struggled to catch his breath from the long run.

"We will follow the trail to the river. From there, Issac can try to catch a scent." Gerard said, pulling off his long black robe to reveal a deep, black suit.

The sun was just beginning to rise over the treetops, casting the woods in a luminescent orange glow. The leaves that still hugged their branches shook free in the quickly rising wind.

From here, I could just make out the sound of a flowing river as it ran across its rocky stream.

We weren't far.

An overwhelming sense of dread overtook me as Declan and Gerard began to remove their clothing down to their underwear.

"Declan, something's wrong." I whispered. Declan was close enough to hear, and I just prayed Gerard wasnt listening in.

Declan stopped what he was doing, hands fiddling with his pants button, and looked up at me, his eyes grey and solemn.

"What do you feel?" He asked. I had half expected him to brush me off, but the nervous look behind his eyes said he was ready to listen to what I had to say.

"That's the thing, I dont feel anything." I said. Not sure if I was making any sense. I couldn't explain the sudden emptiness inside me. For a week, it has felt like the alpha was closing in on me.

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