IOU Commission 2 - The Triplets

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An AU, not canon, not part of the plot.


When in town, Bex often doddled, not because of shopping, but because if she walked past the fishing port enough times, the cute young merchant boy would glance up at her, and maybe even wave. He was always very kind to his customers, and kept things in control, barking out orders to his crew so they all worked in an organized manner. She was always too shy to approach him... at least, until one Monday morning when she just couldn't take it anymore, walked up to him when he had a moment and she couldn't talk herself out of it, and introduced herself, "Hello, my name is Bex Dizznee, what is yours?"

He took her hand and kissed her knuckles politely, "Edison Moore, miss. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I've just passed by so often that I thought it rude not to introduce myself and compliment your work ethic. You are very organized in the way you run things here," she replied smoothly, smiling charmingly, hoping he didn't see through her to know that she'd grown to admire him from a distance.

"Why thank you," he laughed a little in tune with the wind, which rustled his blond hair gently, "and I must say, your greetings from afar have always brightened my day."

"You've noticed?" her heart fluttered.

"How could one not notice a beautiful lady such as you?" he gave her a goofy grin, and she hid her red-faced smile behind her fan.

"Say, would you care to have tea together some time?"

"Aren't I supposed to ask you that?"

"We do live in modern times, do we not?" she quirked her eyebrow as he laughed,

"Yes, of course, forgive me. I would enjoy that. How about my office, Wednesday, at eleven in the morning?" Edison suggested, and she nodded.

"That sounds lovely. I shall see you then," Bex turned away, smiling gracefully over her shoulder as she they said farewell, keeping poised, playing it cool, but once she was out of sight, she practically danced all the way home, sporadically cheering to herself like a like thing and grinning like a fool.

 I shall see you then," Bex turned away, smiling gracefully over her shoulder as she they said farewell, keeping poised, playing it cool, but once she was out of sight, she practically danced all the way home, sporadically cheering to herself like...

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It was a quiet, rainy March afternoon when Rex Dizznee could first claim that he was in love. He was at his guard post in the courtyard when he saw her scurrying across the lawn with a picnic basket, undoubtedly for the royal children, his nieces and nephews, who towed behind her excitedly, back towards the palace. Phillip, Iris, and Isaac were all in the lead, as the three oldest at eleven and ten, racing to get out of the rain gleefuly. Amy, Celeste, and Rosemary were next, all about five or six years old, toddling behind with Amy begging the older kids to wait up while the twins stuck together, holding hands as they followed the group, Rosemary smiling widely, giggling, and Celeste's face set in concentration, determined to keep hold of her sister while keeping the bigger kids in sight. Rex had watched all six kids grow up over the years, starting with Phillip when he was eight years old, Isaac, Sophie and Fitz's first child, when he was nine, Amy, their second child, when he was thirteen, and Biana and Dex's first children together, the twins, when he was fourteen. Rex knew from countless experiences that the kids tended to get tunnel vision, so when the kids rushed past the young maid and knocked her over, Rex left his post, rushing over. He knelt next to her and helped her sit up, her sapphire eyes piercing his periwinkle ones.

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