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Anna was five years old,thats when she heard that word "spare".She heard her parents talking about how people would call her a spare when she grew up.The King was saying that she was going to be called like that for sure,and the queen was disagreeing.She didn't understand a single word about it.But she was old enough to read a dictionary."Spare,spare,spare!Oh,there it is!"Anna said while she was reading the giant dictionary.But what she found out wasn't very good."So I'm the useless one"she tought.Maybe Elsa ignored her because of this,maybe everyone ignored her because of this.Only a few kids came to her birthday party while there were hundreds of kids in Elsa's birthday party.She was very popular,talented,graceful.She was the most popular kid in the kingdom!Of course she was,she was the heir to the throne,she was a princess.But Anna,the weird,messy,untalented,awkward and clumsy one,the spare...Next day,when Anna woke up,she told her parents that she wanted to go to the town,so she would meet some kids,maybe even play with them.They agreed.Anna happily went to the town with a guard,running and skipping around.She saw a bunch of kids.And asked them to play."Hey,I'm Princess Anna,would you like to play with me?"A kid said"Why,you aren't you the spare princess!".Everyone laughed,expect Anna and the guard.Some of them even ignored Anna's question.She went back to the palace,nearly crying.She ran into her room and sobbed for hours.

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