Parents Death

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An 15 year old Anna was sliding and stopped when she saw Elsa's door.Looked at it with anger,not because she hated Elsa,her room and stuff,because it kept them apart."See you in two weeks!"She gave them a big hug and left.Elsa said goodbye too.Now Anna was staying with Elsa.Pffft boring.All she did was to stay in her room.Gates were closed for two weeks,until king and queen return.But they didn't.They died.It was really sad for girls.Especially for Anna,who was called a spare in the town.In the kingdom.Who would help her now.Just a sister who ignores her?No way.Anna attended their funeral,but Elsa didn't.Anna was disappointed again.So Elsa didn't care about her,but why didn't she care about her parents?She was really cold-hearted.Anna went to her room after knocking Elsa's door again.And sobbed for hours.She threw Elsa doll from the window.Now she hated her sister.Not because she didn't attend the funeral.Because she left her alone.But Elsa was sobbing just like Anna too.It seemed like that day wasn't going to end.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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