ASHTON - Brothers Best Friend

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‘LUUUUUKEE GET ME SOME FOODD!!’ you scream to your older brother as you hear him walk into the house. You were sick that day so stayed home from school. But no illness will ever tear you apart from food.


..Ashton.. your crush for let’s say.. about 5 years?! Well how about we say you LOVE him then? But you couldn’t admit it because DUH Luke.. your brother also Ashtons best friend. But anyway OMG now he must think I’m a fat bum who does nothing all day but eat. Which SOOO isn’t true.. uhem..

You listen as you hear Ash talk quietly to Luke then footsteps upstairs. But only one pair of feet.

‘Uhumm’ a cough at the door makes you jump as you see Ashton standing there. He just stands there.. staring..

‘..Um yes?’ you ask the tall, curly haired boy. Nothing. Just stares. You look away back to the tv rolling your eyes. How could you fall for someone as stupid as this? You see something (him) move in the corner of your eye, closer to you. You look back up to him. A dimpled grin has spread across his face. You can’t help but let out a small laugh at him just standing there smiling like a fool.

‘Ashton, buddy, why are you here, smiling down at me like an idiot, when you could, sorry SHOULD, be with Luke upstairs??’ ‘Because, my dear, you are very beautiful’

Excuse me. Nah ah did that just happen! Your major heart keeper just said that you were beautiful.

‘You’ll catch flies’ he says reaching for your chin whit his large hands. You didn’t even realize it was open! Damn, you must look like a fool.

‘So I told Luke I needed to talk to you and I’d be up in about half an hour so let’s do this quick.’

‘Do what quick..?’ you ask cautiously.

‘Well.. starts a little like this..’ he says forcing his soft lips upon yours. You pull back, startled. ‘ASH?!’ he stares into your eyes with a ‘what?’ expression. This is what you’ve been waiting for, don’t let it stop.

His lips crash back on to yours and this time you give in, letting his tongue find its way across your lips, into your mouth to meet your own.

'I love you *y/n*’ he says between breaths ‘for a very long time actually. About 5 years?’ You said nothing but depend the kiss showing him you felt the same. Ashton pushed you down so you lay down on the couch then hovered over you taking off his top as he did so. Your eyes widened.

‘You like?’ he asks with a wink. You were speechless with the muscular body of this boy. He leans back down and soon you’re kissing very passionately again.

His hands slid under you top and along your spine, causing you to tingle. When his hands reached your bra and started undoing the clasp, you pulled away and gently gasped. He takes off you top and bra then starts handling your breasts in his large hands. You shiver as he places his lips on your neck and starts gently sucking. His lips start placing kisses all the way down your body till the start of you jeans. He pulls then off as well as your panties and continues the kisses down to your area were he sits back up. Your que to sit up with him and undo his belt, which you do, and pull down his jeans and boxers. He hands you a condom to put on him. You lay back down on the couch where he slides his hardness into you.

You both moan at the same time by this pleasure. He smiles causing his dimples to appear literally forcing you to finish right then. He starts to pump quicker and harder into you making you groan, loudly.

‘Shushh, your brother, remember, I’m supposed to be ‘talking’ to you!’ You bite your lip so the moans don’t escape and he does the same as he finishes into the condom.

‘*y/n* you’re so perfect.’ You smile in to his hair as he lays on top of you.

‘Which makes you a God then, Ashton’ You feel him grin on your collar. You both get up and dressed before he kisses you and goes upstairs to Luke.

‘Call me, yes? We must meet again soon *y/n*’ he winks as he walks around the doorframe to the stairs.

‘Well that just happened’ you smiled to yourself as you went back to your TV programme.

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