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It's 2am and you can't sleep. As usual. It's the summer holidays and you have nothing planned for tomorrow and you needed some fresh air.

You snuck out of bed and downstairs grabbing your skateboard as you walked out the front door.

You started walking away from your street to the deserted car park of the mall a few blocks down.

You jumped on your board and started riding around and shit.

"I thought I was the only midnight skater around here, ey?"

A voice behind you made you fall off your board


You shouted at the blonde giant that stood above you, his hand out ready to help you up.

"Sorry I was just... This is my spot. You know?"

"Obviously I DONT know, dumb shit"

You muttered as you turned around and skated to the part closer to the mall

"HEY wait up! I never got your name!"

"Y/N" you shouted so you didn't have to turn around to him


Dammit Luke. Why'd you have to scare her off?! She was pretty. So pretty. AND SHE SKATES. I need to see her again

"HEY Y/N.."

You call to the girl whose gliding away from you on her board.

She doesn't respond

"YYYY/NNNN" you sing to her

She suddenly stops, putting her foot down

She turned around and I could just about catch the smile on her face with the lighting


She asks holding back a giggle as I start to ride over to her

"I'm Luke. Luke Hemmings"

"Well hello Luke."

"Hello" I smiled at her before she flew off, riding away from me so quickly I just stood there confused and a little hurt until I heard her yell


I sped after her.


We rode around playing catch for quite a long time until he fell off his board on his wrist and started crying like a little girl

"Aw don't worry Luke. You'll be okay. Do you want me to call an ambulance? Your parents?"

"I can't let my parents find out i come here every night! This is where I come to get away from it all Y/N. If you call an ambulance then they'll find out and then they'll put locks on my door!"

"Wow. Your parents are THAT strict"

"Yes" he said sobbing into his good arm

"Is there anyway I can make you feel better?"

Just then his lips crashed on to mine making me fall backwards on to my board

He lay on top of me and when I started smiling he pulled away

"I like you Y/N. I like you a lot. I don't wanna sound creepy but I've seen you around school but I'm such a low life you probably have never even noticed me.."

"Aw Luke. I.. I don't know what to say?"

"You don't have to say anything" he said as his lips came in contact with mine again

We lay there on my board for a while until he pulled again and lay next to me and we stared up at the stars



"Will...this is gonna sound stupid as we've only just properly met but.."

"Yes.." You egged him on


You could feel your self blush so smiled it off and said "yes Luke I willbeyourgirlfriend"

You both laughed and star gazed until the sun started to rise

He walked you back home and kissed you good morning as you snuck back into bed and fell asleep smiling.

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