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Inko sat down, looking around the house. Matsuki came and grabbed her some tea; as she walked by she handed to her and sat down. Not knowing how to start the conversation she spoke.

"So inko how have you been" asking in a cringy way.

"..ok" she said as she sips her tea

Silence was there. Inko didn't seem to mind it but matsuki did. She knew it was awkward and she didn't want to bring up Izuku.

"Why did you want me to come" asking in a monotone voice. Inko now doesn't act like herself like Bakugou, it was only three months but boy those three months were depressing.

"Well" matsuki puts her cup down

"Its about katsuki ..." inko then gives a puzzled look.

"And im asking if you could talk to him becuase well since the death-"

Inko instantly got up and walked up the stairs. "Inko wait!" As she got up she quickly tried to catch up to her. Inko already knew where katsuki's room was, as she got there inko saw matsuki.

"I'll talk to him, dont worry I got this. " she then nods and walks away worried.

Inko then takes a deep breath in and knocks.


There was silence, she knock agian

"Katsuki its me inko midoriya"

"... come in"

Inko then slow opens the door. As she does she sees Bakuguo on his bed not moving an inch. She slowly shuts the door and sits next to him on his bed.

"What is it aunti, why did you come" she looked at him with a sad expression. She then looked at the floor.

" ah thats a good question well its about my son." Bakuguo then lifts up his head.

" well im here to help you and awnser some questions you have. "

He then sat up and moved over so he could sit with inko, he also felt bad for her too.

"I also knew that you and him had a strong connection cuz you were dating" she then smiles.

"Well he was a keeper" katsuki says as he looks at her


They both sat there. Silence there friend.

Short, boring, and simple... I know this sucks but I promise the next one will be better...I hope

In the memory of you // bnha kastudekuWhere stories live. Discover now