"Oh My God Will you please Fuck Off!"

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When Namjoon got home he instantly went to go check on Jungkook.
Jungkook was still asleep, shifting lightly to grab his stuffed bear.

Namjoon will just treat Kookies wounds when he awakes the next day. Then he's go talk to the school.

Namjoon got in bed with Jungkook, pulling him close before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

"Ow it hurts!"

"Sorry Kookie! Just one more okay?"

Jungkook nodded,whining again when the paroxide was put on to his cut knee.

"Alright! All done!" Namjoon smiled after putting the last bacdage on.

Jungkook moved his leg, smiling a cute bunny smile when he felt no pain

"Alright. Let's go talk to your school now. Figure out what's going on." Namjoon said, grabbing Jungkooks hand. He shoved s couple breakfast bars into his jacket pocket before heading out the door, Jungkook following.

When they finally made it to the school, Jungkook gripped Namjoons hand tighter, avoiding anyone who got too close.

He could hear whispering. Mostly about their hight difference and how scary Namjoon looked.

They entered the building, walking strait to the office.

"Excuse me? I would like to talk to the principal please." Namjoon said sweetly. the office lady nodded, cooing silently at both of them.

"Principal Choi? Someone would like to speak with you." Shesaid into the phone.

"Come with me." She said with a s.ile after setting down the phone. Namjoon nodded, grabbing Jungkooks hand again and walking into the office, being lead to the principles office.

They had to wait for a bit but once he came back, Namjoon was all business.

"What's the problem sir?"

"The problem is Kookie getting beaten up for something he didn't do." Namjoon glared.

"And what is that?"

"Jungkook said students told the 'bad Boys'  of the school that Jungkook spread a rumour about one of them drug dealing." Namjoon said, leaning forward in his chair.

"What? I haven't heard a thing like that!"

"Well you better figure stuff out. Cause if my Kookie comes home again with injuries your all gonna feel my wrath!"

"Okay I'm gonna be honest with you, your too adorable to be scary."

"How dare you! I am totally scary!"

"No Hyung he's actually right . You can't be scary unless your actually mad about something." Jungkook said, opening a breakfast bar from Namjoons poket.

Namjoon pouted.

"Well can you just tell those kids to stop whatever they are doing? We don't have he money for medical bills if he gets seriously injured."

The principal nodded, standing from his chair.

"I'll hold an assembly about bullying today."

Namjoon shook hands with him before leaving out the door.

"Alright kookie. You remember where to wait for me if I'm not home before you?"

"In the gap!"

"Right! Now go on. Have a good day at school." Namjoon pecked his cheek before walking off, waving good bey before walking out of the building.

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