"Mother Superior" Part 1.

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Both the Winchester brothers Dean Winchester and his younger brother Sam Winchester were on an hunting job, search for what they might assumed to maybe be a hunt for a Angel, a Witch, a Fairy, perhaps even a god or maybe even more far fetched as to say Aliens.
Or is it any of those things??

The Winchester brothers had read on the internet in their Men Of Letters bunker in Kansas that a priest had been brutally slain in his church one late Sunday afternoon, at first it does not seem like the boys kinda of work but when the priest was first murder and was so called brought back to life before being killed again three months later from his resurrection. The corners police report found a sacred burnt red handprint mark on his shoulder.

The news story was brought to them by Castiel who asks them to check it out for him which he reluctantly favors for them to do so in a most mysterious way

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The news story was brought to them by Castiel who asks them to check it out for him which he reluctantly favors for them to do so in a most mysterious way.

The hunting started in a convent at the outskirts of the small country town in the deep South of the state of Georgia near the borderline edge of the deep boonies in the state of rural Alabama.

Sam and Dean walked into the reserved like convent with barely a living human soul in visible sight.
In the entrance room right in front of them was a massive spiraling staircase taking up half the room. It was a rustic, beat up looking place from inside and out. The whole place had a dark, Gothic ambience too it.
"Well doesn't this look welcoming." Dean said in his low most sarcastic tone. "Maybe there's someone around." Sam says with deep hopefulness feeling a bit unease in the surrounding.
"Do you feel..." Sam beginning to express the gut felling he is experiencing aloud to his brother before Dean interrupted with saying "Yeah, yeah like something's here watching us, alright." They both begin looking around when Dean bust out screaming at the top of his lungs "Hey, is there anybody home!?" Dean's voice echoing through the convent. With then Sam going along saying "Hello, FBI is there someone here?" For awhile it was still quiet, for the both of them they had the sense like they were being watched. 

When both of them heard a rustling going on in a coat closet underneath the massive spiraling staircase with both brothers felling unsettled took out their guns and walked slowly to the closet door and when Dean busted it opened out came a Nun gasping in a startling gasp the moment she came face to the Winchester's "Oh my, goodness!" she says with a shaking voice. The Nun was a elderly female wearing a gray habit and gray clothes with some old glasses.

"We are very sorry Sister for scaring you we didn't know...~" Sam says with an awkward sincerity.
"Yeah Sis we thought you were a psychotic killer with razor fingers jumping out to kill us." Dean chuckles whilst hissing, making hand gestures referencing to the horror movie, 'A Nightmare On Elm Street. '
The elderly Nun looks at the bothers in a confusional glare.
Sam giving Dean a {'are you for real'} look. Dean just shrugs his shoulders like he's saying {'what?'}.
The Nun begins with an irritated "May I help you, gentlemen?" "Uh, yes Sister I'm Agent Brando and this is Agent DeNiro." Dean plainly says towards the Sister in a unenthusiastically monotone style in his voice.
"Um, Sister we are both here to investigate the death of Father Matthews." Sam begins to ask while him and Dean displayed their fake FBI badge's to the Nun. "Oh, yes very depressing news." The Sister says in a disappointed tone. Sam and Dean have a suspicious way of how the Nun's expressions seemed a little off in fact a little frightened at the mention of the Father's death. 

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