Strangely Castiel. Part 2.

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The Winchester boys exited the small, dark convent and headed for "Baby" their black 67' Chevy Impala parked at the end of a long pathway between the woods through the large oak trees. 

"Am I the only one here thinking, that none of that was real?" Declared Dean. "What do you mean?" Sam answering in speculation to his brother's comment. "That Nun was too insanely gorgeous to be a freaking Nun." Dean arguably responds. "Yeah, I know what ya mean ." Sam agrees. "Like, come on, did you see those eyes?!" Dean rants on, whilst Sam is off daydreaming somewhat only hearing Dean like through a seashell.  When Sam could then hear Dean a loudly burst out saying "Like, that's not human.!"  "What?" Sam asks, when opening the door to the Impala. "I said, that's not human." Dean repeating his earlier sentence. "No, like what are you say? Mother Maria Helena had something to do with the murder?"  Sam asking his brother. "I'm not saying that, what I'm saying is that no human being can look like that, or that things she does too." Dean goes on, when Sam says. "Thing she does?" - Dean looks at is brother in a uneasy, almost embarrassing way not knowing how to explain himself. "She has like this weird I guess about her." Dean saying while his face was turning red.  Sam {* lightly chuckles under his breath*}  "Yeah, I know, its like this strong, intense aura she has." "So, are you really saying that the Mother Superior is not human then what is she?..."  Sam continues on asking his brother the questionable question. Both Dean and Sam look at each other in speculating curiosity. 

Dean then ignites the engine, puts in drive and begins deeply thinking in wonder, has he Drives off  the property onto the main road. Dean asks another question to his bother. "Hey, Sam." "Yeah, Dean?"  Sam answers at the same time has messing on his cellphone.  "Did the Mother reminded you of anyone?"  "No... Uhm, wait yeah she did seem kinda of familiar to someone., come to think of it." Sam starting to think out loud to himself.

The Winchesters had made it back to the hotel room they were both staying at.  They were both discussing b more about the case, and having conversations about Father Mathews.  "This is not a coincidence, he was brought back from hell, what else can being something back from hell other then an Angel?" Dean rambling on. With Sam reading up on some lore in background trying to figure out more. "You know, Cas is the one who got us on this case. Where the Hell is he?"Dean rants on. 

{*Sounds of rustling feathered wings*}. The boys turned and saw right next to the hotel beds was their Angel buddy Castiel, he was hovering over the bed reading a newspaper left on one of the beds.  " Dude, where the hell have you've been?"  Dean looking at Cas genuinely asking.  "Hello, to you too Dean." Cas remarks still looking through the newspaper. And answers Dean's question more throughly by saying "I have been around."  "Yeah, okay." Says a frustrating Dean. "Hey, Cas, do you know of any angel that can take souls out of hell? Besides you of course."  Sam asking a absent minded Castiel. "All Angels can take souls in and out of hell or heaven, by only the means of if God has granted said angel permission."  Castiel goes whilst still maintaining through the newspaper.  "Is there something you're trying to find?" Dean asks impatiently.  "Yes, in fact there is." Said Castiel. 

Castiel then saw apparently what he was looking for.     He had expression of somewhat excitement. Cass showed Dean and Sam a article it was of another incident of a victim having a strange burnt handprint mark on the body. "Wait!? What?! Again!?" Says Dean in somewhat surprise and anger. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2018 ⏰

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