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Joshua's footsteps were heard throughout the hall,
Every step he took makes a sound on the creaky floor,
He tried to at least be less noticeable,
He doesn't want to wake any beasts out there,
In case there is one,
He had nothing with him,
But he had the ghost,


At least that's what he calls her,
He doesn't know her name,
But Wendy suits her,
She follows him around,
Joshua was hesitant and creeped out at first,
But as he realizes that the ghost looks harmless,
He let her follow him,

To his surprise,
Wendy introduced the mansion to him as well,
She tried to tell him everything that happens in here,
Joshua knew there is something off,
Because he can sense the missing pieces in between her words,
Joshua knew, but he ignored,

Hours had passed,
Joshua was still walking,
Wendy behind him,
Silence between them,
No words spoken,
As Joshua keeps opening the door,
He would always ended up being in a bedroom,
Only then Wendy speaks,

"You are in the east part of the mansion, Jisoo."

She said slowly again,
She then goes to a door,
Scratches found,
And a butcher knife attached on it,
Like it has been thrown,

The ghost shook her head,
The tip of her fingers slid down the door,
Sad face she wears,
Invisible tears she shed,
Pain she feels,

"Ghosts cannot cry,"

She whispered softly,
Her head looking down,
Eyes closed,
Joshua noticed her angry look afterwards,
He steps away,
In afraid of something bad that could happen,
But in one blink,
His heart almost burst,
He couldn't breathe,
He was unable to let out a voice,
His eyes very wide,

As Wendy squeezed him in a hug really tight,
Joshua tried to digest in the scene,
Are ghost harmless?
Maybe some of them,
But this ghost whom he called Wendy,
Is like no other ghost he had seen in movies,
She actually acted like human,
And this confused him,

"Are you really a ghost, or are you a human in disguise?"

And it was confirmed that she's a ghost,
Because Joshua got pinned on the wall afterwards,
Floating in the air,
Struggling to breathe in oxygen,
Wendy looked at him with her eyes,
Black color surrounding it,
Skin even paler,
Bloody fangs suddenly seen,

"Do not underestimate ghosts, Hong Jisoo,"

She got Joshua dropped on the floor with a loud thud,
Earning a small groan from him,
She continues ahead,
Even when Joshua was struggling to stand up,
She strangled him real hard,

Joshua looked at the floor,
He noticed a broken pieces of a mirror,
He looks at the reflection,
He saw a bruise and few cuts on his neck,
He was bleeding,
But he felt numb,

Wendy came back from who knows where,
She had a torn cloth with her,
Long enough to wrap it around Joshua's neck,
Joshua looked scared as he thought she's about to kill him,
But she was trying to stop the blood that kept flowing out,
Now he felt the pain,
He let out a small groan,

"That room belongs to my Father,"

Joshua looked up at her,
She was pointing at the door they stopped at,
Her eyes staring onto it,
Joshua didn't let out a word,

"My mother's room is there right next to him,"

He raised an eyebrow,

"Why are their rooms separated?"

"It was an arranged marriage between them,"

"It never worked out,"

"We thought that if we try to help them fall in love with each other again, it'll work,"

"But I guess we failed,"


Joshua noticed,
She's not alone in the family,
He kept his silence,
His hands holding tight on his neck,
Wendy suddenly whispered some chants,
Her right hand doing the same gesture,
Like she did when they were on the room Joshua found her,

She slide her fingers on the cloth which now had blood stains,
Joshua felt a little pain on his neck,
Wendy then unwrapped the cloth,
He was now fully healed,
The blood stopped flowing,
But it leaves scars and bruises behind,

"Father became abusive,"

"Mother became more angry,"

"They argued almost everyday,"

"Father would... force her, to bed,"

Joshua took a sharp breath,

"There would born another baby,"

"And there would be someone dead,"

Joshua's eyes widened,

"Yes, Jisoo. They would kill the baby,"

"But how are you-"

"They kept me as I was made not out of mistake,"

"They made you out of love,"

Wendy nodded,
She then walks away,
Joshua followed her,
They were now out of the east part,
Joshua realized they still had South and North to explore,
It took a day for them to explore the east part,
Joshua didn't have much time left,
How long will it take to explore the whole mansion?

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