Chapter 14: A turnaround

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Tony couldn't believe his eyes as he brought out a bracelet which seemed to be the only thing in the box. Why would he want to hide a bracelet this much ? He wondered. He looked carefully at it. It was gold crusted all through and had a love shape in half at the end. " the other end must be with someone else " he thought. He also saw an inscription on it.

To my love forever and ever - Sept

He looked further for any possible clue but couldn't find any. He shrugged, it could be a gift he had shared with Helen and kept for safe keeping. He picked up his phone and dialled Helen. She picked up on the second ring.

"Hello love, how are you doing ? I'm getting dressed already. where are you ? Your friends just arrived not quite long. Aren't you meant to be with them.?

"Oh yes, I'll be there in a few minutes. Had some matters to attend to "he said apologetically.

"What could be more important than your own wedding ? It's an hour left. I don't think mum would be happy with this behavior. "

"I'm sorry babe. It's fine. I'll be there soon. I just called to tell you to put on the bracelet we shared in 2016. I just found mine and I think this is the perfect time for it" He said cheerfully.

"What bracelet are you talking about ? We never shared any...Ouch that's tight" Helen replied absently talking to someone else inbetween. "babe I'll see you at the alter okay ? Love you so much" she added before ending the call.

Tony was dejected. "He had another woman ?!! " He exclaimed inwardly. He sat down lopsidedly and fell on the floor . He picked up the box and groped about it for any possible clue but found nothing. He threw the box away in anger and held his head between his knees.

"Who then am I getting married to ? " he asked himself loudly. His head began to hurt again and he began to hear a loud laughter all around him. He tried to block it out by hitting his head but it didn't reduce. He saw a face of a girl laughing loudly with someone else. In a flash everything stopped as he heard a knock interrupt him.

"Sir, sir are you in there ? Mistress has been trying to reach you sir. You are expected at the venue. Sir can you hear me ? "

Tony looked around as he ignored the rapping on the door. He saw his phone's light blink and picked it up. He had so many missed calls and voicemail already but he cared less and switched off his phone.

He picked up his car key and opened the door, went downstairs ignoring the cries of the help as she followed him. He got to the garage and entered his car. He drove out of the building and zoomed off leaving the help wondering where he was off to in his pyjamas.

Tony just kept on driving. He had no destination in mind but he didn't want to stick around for the wedding. Not with this current discovery. His love could be somewhere out there and he was about to get married to a lie. He hit the steering hard and screamed in pain drawing weird looks from the drivers nearby.

He wind down the car windows and increased the volume of the radio as he drives into the freeway. He put on his glasses to avoid recognition. He took his phone and dialled Jim's number. He needed to talk to someone from his past. He was ready to meet up with him anywhere.

"Where are you ? " he asked as soon as he picked up the call.

"Wasn't expecting your call. I'm at your wedding where you should be. Where are you ? " Jim boomed accusingly from the other end.

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