•J U D G I N G•

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This chapter is for the judges.

Judging will take place when the genres are all full. Each genre will have 3 judges, which mean every judge will have 10 books to read. They will have a month to judge the assigned books and send the results to me.

How will they judge?

📌 Cover (/10): I know that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but that doesn't mean it's not important. It's the first thing that a reader sees and if it not attracts them, then they won't read the book. It will be scored based on how much it relates to the story plot and if it grabs attention.

📌Title (/10): The title is as important as the cover. It should be catchy and in the same time not to show too much.

📌Summary/Blurb (/5): In this section you will see if the summary makes you want to click the 'read' button.

📌Characters (/15): Characters are the main part of the book. Character development and how they interact with each other will be judged. Also, you have to choose the book with the best main character.

📌Dialogues (/5): If a book doesn't have good dialogues, then it just doesn't flow well. A book without dialogues at all gets tiring and if it is only based in dialogues, it gets boring. If you have something in the middle, then you're good.

📌Grammar (/20): This section is very important so be careful on that.

📌Plot (/25): You'll see how the story flows, if there is any plot holes and if it cliche or not. Also choose the book with the best plot.

📌Overall enjoyment (/10): Here you'll say if you enjoyed reading the book or not.

Total (/100)

Don't send me only the scores please. That's not transparent. Along with them, give a short opinion for each rubric (cover, title, summary, etc).

⚠️ When you finish judging, pm me so I can send you my email.

And please don't bail on me in the last moment. Think before you fill the judging form, if you cannot do it, then don't fill it.

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