Chapter Four

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W Academy was located on a remote island surrounded by the  North Pacific Ocean. The size of it was almost as big as Singapore and has complete zero civilization going on. It was rather a Mediterranean Island with with thick forests and sandy beaches. The United Nations had made sure the island was completely 'deserted' before deciding to build the academy in the early 21st century. The main reason for it is to achieve good diplomatic affairs between countries. Other than that, countries are able to build understanding in learning each of other's cultures. The diplomatic project lasted for 7 years according to contract. They were to attend the academy as in attending a normal boarding school.

But now, they had returned for different reasons. They had returned for safety reasons decided by the United Nations. Looking at a pathetic angle, they were actually taking refuge in their old deserted academy building which was looking like and as big as a medieval age castle. The only modern thing about the building was that it was equipped with lightning speed wifi and a good phone reception. Maybe it wasn't so bad afterall.

A white helicopter with a big red circle on its door just landed on the beach of the island. The door opened to reveal a short slim man with ebony hair and souless brown eyes. He wore a white naval uniform accented with black and gold. His brown military boots landed on the white warm sand, it was almost afternoon by the way. His eyes scanned the surrounding and began to walk a familiar route. Two men following from behind, each carrying a luggage. 

"Master Japan, are you sure these two luggages will be enough for your stay?" Man 1 asked.

"Yes. They would do." Kiku answered calmly.

"You are sure you don't need us to stay with you?" Man 2 asked this time.

"I am very positive with my decision. The UN wouldn't want that either. Besides, I prefer if people don't... question my decision." Kiku's souless eyes stared at the two men.

They continued walking without another word. For Kiku, situations are best handled with silence. There was no need for long unecessary talks. Such a waste of time like his usual world meetings before the attack. Everybody talked and lead to no final answer. Such a waste of mind. And everytime it was repeated again like a broken recorder. Such a waste of energy. For Honda Kiku, silence is much worth than a sea full of gold.

He arriaved at the long abandoned academy. His eyes evaluated the huge arch mahogany double doors. Still looking strong and ancient like the last time he first stood there. He inhaled. Taking in all the memories of the past as they replayed themselves in a mere of seconds.

"You may leave, I can handle myself here." Kiku's eyes once again leave no space for a single argument.

The two left. Kiku pushed through the doors with his two luggages, greeted by Netherlands with a nod at the lobby. Seems like they were one of the early arrivals. 

"Just take yours keys from the main reception." Netherlands went up the lobby staircase with his left hand carrying a bag and the other swinging his keys.

Kiku went to search his keys. A Hinomaru keychain caught his eyes, making him slightly smile in thought of his old room. He hurriedly went up the fifth floor, walking along the maze like corridors, looking for one particular door. And he found it, a door labelled 'JAPAN'. It was the only room that was occupied on the floor. He prefered it that way. It was peaceful and he had his own space. He went inside. 

Nothing much changed since he left. But it was a little dusty. He walked to the window where his study table was facing all those years. He could see the view of the the forest behind the academy. It helped him relaxed. He went to unpack his things.

By the time the sun sets, all the nations were here. Some even just arriaved. Italy, or Feliciano, or simply called Feli just came with his brother Romano, or simply just Lovino.

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