Chapter Forty

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The white fluffy snow fell from the sky again. It fell as light as a feather. Looking as soft as cotton. If it was snowing lightly here, then towards the beach area it must be raining lightly. (Y/n) sat in her room, looking out the window. She wonder what it will feel like, to stand underneath the snow and rain at the same time. Will the snow feel lighter than the raindrops? Or vice versa? She yearned to go outside the castle grounds. But Arthur forbade her to do so although the others were allowed. She understood completely the reasons for his actions.

Yet looking at the falling snow made her wanted to jump out the window. It had been almost a week now she was confined in the castle grounds. Before the barrier set up she would take strolls in the woods before the sun rises. And there was that enchanting lake in the middle of the woods. The lake must have frosted right now. How lovely it would be to ice skate! She used to go ice skating when she was a kid. Her father or Arthur would bring her if they had time. She sighed. Knowing that she will never have the chance to go out unless this whole curse choas ends.

(Y/n) left her room and went to the dojo instead. She wanted to see how Kiku was doing. Ofcourse, he was coping well with the whole curfew thing. He was allowed to go out unlike her who was forbidden. She stood at the dojo entrance as she quietly watch him drink his usual evening tea, wearing his kimono. She wondered how could this man be so calm. She knew her attitude towards him before this was unfair and mean. Even Arthur would start bickering with her. Yet he stayed cool. If she were fire, he'll be ice.

"Are you just going to stand there and watch me drink?" Kiku's eyes averted from his cup to her figure. 
"Psh." she felt flustered getting caught like that. She entered the dojo instead. "As if you are worthy enough of being watched."

The japanese man smirked as he drank his tea. He put down his cup and pour another for her. Without being told, (y/n) sat infront of him and took the offered cup. Muttering a brief thank before indulging herself with the warm green tea in the chilly season. She felt like telling (f/n) her heart's problems and desire. But knowing her bestfriend, she would surely side with Arthur. (F/n) and Arthur would somehow think alike. In certain cases.

"What's the matter?" Kiku inquired.

Broken from her daydream she answered " Nothing."

"Doesn't look like a nothing to me. You tend to space out if you have a conflict in mind. Am I correct?" Kiku stared at her face. "And the worse the conflict the longer the time for your mind to leave earth. Worst could be your mismatch socks."

"Hey!" her face turned different shades of red. She didn't know what to say. Did she really spaced out for that long?

"Why don't, you tell me about it?" he gave a warm smile.

(Y/n) pursed her lips. Maybe she could share her problems. He knew her darkest secrets. He listened to her heavy pleas. Besides, they've shared something more deeper than that. She blushed at the thought of their kiss. It was her first. She quickly brush it aside by clearing her throat. Yeah, she could definitely share some things with him.

"This may sound childish..." she started off.

"Since when weren't you childish?" Kiku asked politely yet sarcasticly.

"Fine! Then I'm not telling you." (Y/n) crossed her arms in protest. She turned her face away from him.

Kiku laughed amusingly. It was so easy for her to be flustered. He got up and went to sit by her side. Gently, he took her hand in his palms. (Y/n) jumped a little in surprised by his gesture. Her head swiveled swiftly to meet with his apologetic smile. She could feel her ribcage being slammed repeatedly by her beating heart with him just looking at her. Something the way he held her hand made her feel she could trust her to the max. No matter what.

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