Chapter Two

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The water sparkled with reds and pinks. With the sun sinking into the sea, the world was lit in an almost dreamy light. We settled on a private beach located near cliffs and jagged rocks. It wasn't the best place to catch a wave, but at least it wasn't littered with noisy children.

Amelia and I laid our beach towels onto the folding chairs. I dug in my bag for sunscreen. The sun was dying, but I didn't want to chance getting burned.

"I'll put some of that on your back and then you can do mine," Amelia said, taking it from me before I could reply.

I sat on my chair with my back to her. She pushed my hair to the side and spread the lotion on all the skin my powder blue bikini didn't cover.

"By the way, how was that guitarist last night?" I asked, eyeing a couple in their early twenties holding hands as they walked down the beach. They stopped briefly and kissed as water rushed over their feet.

How romantic...I'm going to be sick.

She clicked the sunscreen closed and placed it next to me. "Syd, I can't believe how gorgeous he was!" she said, walking to her chair in front of me and sinking into it. Her long eyelashes fluttered as she blushed. "I talked to him all night. He's been playing lead guitar for five years now. His band is going on tour soon, so I gave him my number. What did you do at the club while I was with him?"

I ran my hands through my hair as I watched the couple disappear further along the coast. "I had a few bites..."

It was my first night at a club and I already had a summer boy. Not a bad start.

She poked my arm. "I've been your best friend since we were kids. I shared my pudding with you in fourth grade." Her eyes narrowed. She was trying to act like my big sister. "I know when you're withholding info from me, Syd."

I shrugged, rubbing my eye. "It was pretty basic. One guy left his girlfriend to dance with me. While we talked, another cut in and we hooked up in the bathroom. Then a girl kissed me."

Though it wasn't as bad as waking up to a strange girl in bed with you and having no memory of all the events that occurred, like last year.

"Wait, a girl kissed you?" Only Amelia would get hung up on that piece of the story.

I grabbed a strand of my hair, studying the ends. "Yeah, she did," I said dryly.

Amelia bounced in her chair and giggled. "Why? Were you giving off some kind of vibe?"

I frowned. I didn't like breaking down my nights into play-by-plays. "Not that I know of. What difference does it make? I get hit on by all kinds, girls and guys. I wasn't feeling it, so I left and found you."

"Wow, Syd. You know, we should kiss at the next club. It's a turn on for some guys," she said, laughing. Then she snorted. Embarrassed, she covered her face with her hands.

"Damn, one night in a club and you're thinking up plots to pornos. I don't know what to do with that." I grabbed the sunscreen. "Spin around," I ordered, standing up.

Amelia gave her back to me and moved her hair. "Your bikini is coming untied."

She crossed her arms as if her top was going to fall off at any moment. "Can you fix it?"

"Mmm-hmm," I said, rubbing the last pool of sunscreen onto her shoulder. I grabbed the strings and tied a strong bow.

She turned to face me. Her bikini was white with blood red Hawaiian flowers plastered all over it. She pulled her top up, trying to make her breasts fit in better.

I threw the sunscreen back into my bag and sat in my chair again.

Out on the water another couple who looked to be in their forties playfully splashed each other. Then he grabbed her, dunked her under for a heartbeat, and brought her back up. They kissed passionately, like a cover of a romance novel.

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