Whatever It Takes

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*Very short*


"Baby I can't do this!!" Jungkook said as he paced the room. Tomorrow was your family's barbecue and he was not prepared— even though you two prepared for this occasion for weeks on end; he was still nervous.

"Can you quiz me on the flash cards again?" Jungkook asks as he plopped on the bed. You nodded and held up the flash cards again. Each card had a picture of soul food or questions in which he'll respond to.

"What you want on your plate baby?" You said in your best old voice.

"Fried chicken, macaroni, greens, and bulgogi- Damnit!!" Jungkook groaned and put his hands on his face. "Jungkook don't give up! You were so close!" You encouraged. You knew all too well how Jungkook was feeling at the moment. When Jungkook's family wanted to meet you and have a nice dinner, he tested your knowledge about Korean manners and Korean food. He also 'perfected' your Korean speaking skills so you would be understood by his family.

"What is this Jungkook?" You pulled out another flash card and showed him with a smile.

"Collard greens?"

You nodded and rubbed his back.

  "See! You're doing great! You got this."

  Jungkook exhaled and put his hands on his face. It was understandable as to why Jungkook was so nervous. He wanted to impress your family and make you feel proud as you do to him.

  "Don't worry about it love. You're over thinking it, you gotta chill." You giggle and pinch his cheeks. Jungkook playfully tackled you and peppered your face with kisses. He nuzzled his face into your neck and blew raspberry kisses. His long strands of hair tickled your face adoringly.

"Oh wait!! Before I forget, whatever you do, do not eat the salad."


"Just do not do it."

Jungkook frowned but agreed anyways.

"And if my uncle says 'lemme tell you somethin' —what do you do?"

"Let him tell me something?"

"No baby, you've gotta find me immediately. Do not trust that nigga."

"Wait let me write this down!" Jungkook says as he removed himself from you.


Thank you for reading!!!

I'm sorry for updating so late💔

I wrote a new book called 'Phantom', if you'd like to check that out too. Its a be a Taehyung story :)

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