He Doesn't Believe Me

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    Kurt hurried down the hall, ignoring everyone who looked at him strangely, ignoring the calls of his friends. He needed Blaine; he needed to feel his boyfriend’s arms around him. He saw Blaine waiting anxiously by his locker for him. When the other boy saw him, his face went from relief to concern when he saw tears streaming down Kurt’s face.

    “Kurt? What’s –” Blaine started but was cut off when Kurt threw himself at him and wrapped his arms around him tightly. Blaine could feel Kurt sobbing, his face buried in Blaine’s neck and his tears soaking through the shorter boy’s shirt.

    “Shh, shh, it’s alright. I’m here, I’ve got you,” Blaine said quietly, ignoring the people who walked by staring.

    “Blaine,” Mr. Schue said, walking up behind the two boys, “Why don’t you take Kurt home?” Blaine nodded and slowly led Kurt out of the school. He saw Rory and Mercedes give them a concerned look and he smiled reassuringly at them. They made it out to Kurt’s car and Blaine made sure the other boy was in the car before he climbed into the driver’s seat. They drove to Kurt’s house slowly. Kurt had moved over on the seat and wrapped his hand around Blaine’s upper arm; needing to feel the other boy, needing to know he was there. They finally arrived at the Hudmel house and the two boys got out of the car before walking up to the house. The pair went inside and made their way upstairs before Kurt collapsed on his bed crying. Blaine sat down next to him and wrapped his arms tightly around his boyfriend. Blaine didn’t know how long they stayed like that, it could’ve been minutes, it could’ve been hours. Kurt’s head was buried in Blaine’s neck and his hands were gripping the other boy’s shirt. A while later, Blaine heard the door open and close and then footsteps walking up the stairs. Finn walked into the room and looked at Kurt concerned.

    “Hey dude,” Finn said as he waked slowly over to where his brother and Blaine were sitting. Finn sat down on the edge of the bed and put his hand on Kurt’s shoulder. The shorter boy slowly turned around so he was looking at Finn. His eyes were red and puffy and Blaine’s heart broke at the sight of his boyfriend so miserable.

    “Hi,” Kurt said quietly, not moving from where his head rested on Blaine’s chest.

    “Dude, I know how bad you wanted this but, it’s gonna be okay,” Finn said.

    “It’s not that,” Kurt said quietly, “All chances of going to NYADA are gone but, even that… my dad thinks I did it, he thinks I cheated at the election. I told him I didn’t do it and he doesn’t believe me.” Tears were streaming down his face again and it suddenly all made sense to Finn and Blaine. Burt had been there for Kurt through everything, and now he didn’t believe him on this and they could see it hurt him more than anything.

    “You both believe me right?” Kurt said to them.

    “Yeah of course,” Finn said and Blaine nodded, “and I know dad’ll come around eventually.” Kurt just nodded miserably. They heard the door open downstairs and knew Carole had just gotten home.

    “Boys?” she called.

     “Up here mom!” Finn called back and the three teenagers heard her walking up the stairs.

    “Boys, Burt won’t be home for a while so – Kurt? What’s wrong?” she asked upon seeing his tear streaked face.

    “They think I cheated,” he said, “Principal Figgins and my dad. They think I stuffed the ballot box at the election so I would win.” His face crumpled again and Blaine pulled him tightly against his side again.

    “Oh honey,” she said, “Your dad’s just tired. He’s been dealing with a lot of stuff lately and I’m sure that when he gets home tonight everything will be fine again.” Kurt just nodded and gripped the front of Blaine’s shirt tighter as if he was scared Blaine was going to disappear.

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