Chapter 5

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Donovan sat in the parking lot of the hotel they where staying at, he didnt do anything but sit in his car. He knew his sister wasnt going to be here, so why did he come here? Donovan just wants his own home for him and his sister. He's thought about buying an apartment in town but hasnt really decided, he needs to talk to Allona first. Donovan never makes a big decision with out his sister there to help him. Its how its always been. 

Donovan sat and stared at their rooms, his room was lite. Of course, he thought, they can never leave me alone. The there was Allona right next door, usually they share but this time it was different she wanted to be by herself. 

The curtain moved in Allona's room. Donovan froze, staring, looking to see what it was. Maybe it was just a draft. There is was again. The slight movement, somebody was in there... and it wasnt his sister. Donovan felt a flash of anger go through him. What do they want with her? She hasnt done anything! Donovan got out his car and slammed the door just as a dark shap stepped outside Allona's door and froze staring at Donovan. 

Donovan stared back, neither of them moving. Donovan didnt know how long they stood there until Donovan's door  opened and his girlfriend and a few friends stumbled out, yelling "DONOVAN! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! HAVE YOU BEEN OUT HERE THE ENTIRE TIME? COME ON IN NOW THAT YOUR HERE THE PARTY IS JUST GETTING STARTED!" 

Donovan glanced at them, then looked back to the person but they wherent there. Donovan growled under his breath, staring into the dark night. Looking for the stranger that was in his sister's room. 

When he couldnt find anything, he walked up to his room to where the music was blasting and there was a heavy smell of alcohol and weed coming out from the door. 

Donovan stopped just inside the doorway, his face scrunched up at the smell. "What are  you guys doing here?" he asked. His girlfriend Crystal looked up from the bottle in her hands, "I thought you would be happy to see us baby!" she pouted, trying to look cute. Donovan looked from her to his best mate Craig and raised his eyebrow at his friend as he had some red head in his lap on his bed. "Its true mate. We knew you've been in some trouble and thought you could use some help relaxing." 

"Come on Donovan! You need to relax." called both Heaven and Lizz from the chair opposite of the bed. 

"What I need is for you to get out." Donovan looked each and one of them in the eye to make himself clear.  Crystal pouted some more "But baby... we are your friends...." she stuck out her bottom lip givng him the puppy dog eyes. But her eyes where blood shot red around her light blue eyes, so it didnt realy do much. "You are all high and drunk as shit, get out. This is not yall's place to do drugs and drink. Now get out."  

When none of them moved Donovan stepped more into the room Heaven and Lizz where the first to go "Be like that... We'll see you at school. Come on Stacy." 

Stacy who must be the red head's name got off Craig pulling him up with her. "Come on baby, we can continue this party at my house." 

Craig nodded "Let me talk to my boy here first then I'll met you at the truck." 

"Kay! Dont wait to long." 

Donovan looked at Craig, "I said go." "I know. But whats with you man? You havent been youself lately."

Donovan started to pace the room, "I've had lots of things on my mind, and right now I cant really deal with yall reloaders much more." 

"Ouch man... That stings. When we've been there for you, all this time." 

Donovan raised his eyebrow "You've been there? Where you there when my uncle kicked us out?! When I needed you there as a friend? You've never been there Craig! You where only there when it concerned yourself and whatever whore you had with you that day!" Donovan was furious "All of you! You've never really cared! I'll let you who really cares! And thats my sister! Its me and her against the world! We've never needed anybody else! So why the hell do we need you now?" 

"Oh yeah like your sister is any better than the rest of us" Craig said with a smirk. 

"Walk out Craig. Now. Dont say anything. Just walk out." Donovan clenched his fist shaking in fury. 

"Oh yeah? What are you- 

Before Craig knew it Donovan was on him, punching him, pushing him into the wall. "DONOVAN STOP!" he barely heard Crystal scream, as she tried to pull Donovan off Craig. But it didnt work Donovan kept punching and punching. Until he finally stopped as Crystal clasped next to the two boys sobbing. "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?! HES YOUR FRIEND!" 

Donovan looked at her and shook his head "He's going to be okay... maybe. Get him up and out of here. Dont come back." Crystal just stared at Donovan "But baby we are forever... I love you... you cant just leave me like that. Donny baby..." 

Donovan he didn't care. "Get out the floor, its pathetic seeing you like that. Get out." 

Crystal was sobbing really loudly as she helped up Craig. "What did we ever do to you?" 

"You never did anything .. Thats the problem... You're leaches... You'll always take from people but never give back, and I hate people like that with a passion. You're lucky I even put up with yall that this long." Donovan said coldly. "Now like I said before, get out." 

And they did. 

Donovan clasped on his bed with his bloodied hands covering his face. "What am I doing?!" he yelled, in frustration. Donovan laid on his bed not moving thinking about what he just did. He pushed away people, like he always does. Even if they where there just to use him, Donovan can stand anyboyd for very long. 

He wonders what they are gonna think about tomorrow at school when they see him. Tomorrow he'll apologize then go about his way. He'll be sure to talk to Crystal and make sure shes okay. 

If not she'll be fine without me. He thought as he stared at his ceiling. Allona will be at school tomorrow and I can talk it through with her. If not, when she gets back. He went to rake his fingers through his hair but finally noticed the pain in his hand. "Damnit." He sat up looking at his knuckles. They where gonna be bruised for the next two days. 

"Well shit..." he muttered getting up to go rise them in the bathroom. Once the blood was all gone Don realized that most of it wasnt his, same with the blood that was on his shirt. So he decided to jump into the shower.  

After his shower Don walked out to see his sister, bloodied and curled up on his bed, asleep. I guess I'm not the only one that was fighting outside The Ring tonight,  he thought as he walked over and knelt down in front of her and gentle shook her shoulder. "You're in the wrong room, Lil Sis." he said with a half smile. 

Her eyes fluttered half open, looking at him but not really seeing him "I lost my key to mine room... and... your... light... was.. on..." she barely muttered before falling asleep again. Don smiled and patted her sweaty hair, before getting up. He pulled the covers up over his sister, then sat in the chair beside the bed. He sat there and watched his sister sleep till finally he fell asleep himself

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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