Chapter 4

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When she finally walked into the Warehouse, Donovan had already started his first fight. These days it was getting harder and harder to come in here willingly. Her brother understood that, so he didnt push her. It was better this way, so people never suspected that they were together if hey came in at different times. Her brother always being on time, and her being late. It always ended up workingout. Their Uncle never objected to it, personally they didn't think he cared. As long as they got there to fight and win him money, he was perfectly happy with them.   

And them having their Uncle mad at them is something they didnt want. They've seen him when he is mad, ot was once about a year ago. Some goodie two shoes found their was into the Ring and saw Allona fighting. They said they where going tp get this place shut down, well that night they never made it out of the Warehouse.  Their Uncle had this person taken underneath the Warehouse, that was the only time that they went underneather.  

Underneath the Warehouse is what they call the Prison, its where anybody that defies the Ring goes to and never comes back. The man was taken underneath, and their Uncle tortured him. Making she he would never talk again, by cutting out his tongue, then slicing his lips up. After that the man was handed off the Russian and his guys, the man's screams could be heard even above the Prison on the Botton Floor. As they tortured and beat him. 


Allona was sitting in lockerroom wrapping her hands when Pete the bouncer walked in "Hey Angel its your turn" he said sadly. Pete was like the father Donovan and Allona never had, he was there for them when they needed him. Pete was there when Allona couldn't get through to her brother. Pete was just there in their lives, and they wouldn't know what to do with out him. 

She sighed "I'm coming." He gave her a sad smile "Come on Kiddo I'll walk you out there."  

They walked out together with Allona's head raised high as she walked pasted all the people who where screaming for her, Allona couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. Yeah people watched her all the time, but this was different, and his made the hair stand up on her neck and give her goose bumps. 

Allona could still feel it as sh climbed into the Ring, she scanned the crowded but saw nobody that was out of the ordinary. Ref was standing in the middle of the Ring waiting for her, she nodded and readied herself. 

Her eyes locked onto Russian who was standing across from her on the Ring. He too was looking back at her. Allona barely heard when Ref yelling into the microphone who was fighting, and the crowd going wild. Her attention was on Russian, as he started to walk foward holding out his closed fist to her. Allona hesitantly reached out and bumped it, another sign of respect in the Ring. To bumped gloves before the fight actually starts. 

But Russian had respect for nobody.  

After they bumped fist the bell rung. Signaling for the fight to start. 

Allona went first throwing the first punch to his face and making contact with his jaw, she pulled back real fast moving around waiting for his next move. 

They cirlced each other in the Ring, but Russian wasnt advancing on her. So she did a double jab to his nose, forcing him to block his face. She then kicked his thigh. Allona wanted to pester him into fighting back with her. She keep boucing around Russian waiting for him to swing at her but he didnt and it was pissing her off. Allona got in a good couple more punches but still nothing, by now Allona had him backed into the corner, throwing punch after punch. But she wasnt hitting him as hard as she could, and he knew that. After ever punch she would met his eye and he would smile a little. Almost relieved. 

While staring at him she caught a glint in his eye as he swung at her opening up his ribs to her. But she didnt take the shot . She side stepped out the way of his punch backing up a couple steps giving him room.  

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