Part 6: The Date

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Izuku POV

I noticed that I didn't have everything that I needed for the camp. I realized the Uraraka most likely needed to buy things. She wasn't able to buy anything due to the accident. I also realized that we never went on a date. "I g-guess I can ask her if she wanted to go on a date." I pulled out my phone to text her.

[Midoryia and Uraraka texts]

Midoryia: Hey Uraraka are you busy?

Uraraka: No why deku?

Midoryia: I was thinking. Since we weren't able to buy things at the mall. I wanted to know if you want to go shopping with me. Like a date

Uraraka: Sure deku where do we meet up? And at what time?

Midoryia: I can pick you up and i'll come around two pm.

Uraraka POV and Time Skip

I realized what deku just asked me. I was ready and waiting for deku when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to find deku. "H-hey uraraka" "Hi deku." "So what do you want to do?" "I do need a few things for the camp. Such as sun screen, a bikini, and a few other things.

We were walking and we bought sun screen and deku bought some All Might merchandise he didn't have. I giggled at how much he likes All Might and heros. We wanted to go eat something.

We decided to cut through a alley to get to where we were going faster. We were walking through a alley we saw someone in front of us. We didn't think anything of it until he turned around. "Hey, your the kids from the U.A. sports festival correct?" Deku quickly replyed "yes we are, why do you want to know?" I felt a bit uneasy about this guy. He began walking toward me. "You two are both coming with me." He tried to grab me but Deku got in the way. "Leave us alone, Uraraka go call the police now!" I ran away, I heard the man yell. "COME BACK HERE YOU BITCH."

Izuku POV

I knew this person was a villian. I just needed to wait for the police to arrive or a pro hero. He quickly tried to grab me but I punched him. When I went to punch him his skin shot out a spike. I was able to punch him but the spike hurt like heck. I checked my hand and saw that it was bleeding.

Quirk: Spiked Skin
At will he can transform any part of his skin to a sharp spike. He can get up to a six spikes at one time. The amount of spikes he can summon at once depends on the spikes size. One large spike

I noticed his quirk was mostly defensive but can be used offensive as well. If only I had someone that fought long range. I rushed up to him and tried to punch him again. His spike went through my fist. If I contuine to go like this there might be long term damage. I saw Uraraka behind me she saw how I was unable to do much right now. I looked at her and smiled.

I turned by attention to the villian which was slowly walking toward me. "Just give up and you both won't be hurt anymore." I ran up to him and tried to kick him. He made bigger spike that was able to impale me all through the foot. I fell back I was unable to help. Uraraka and I are in trouble and I can't help. I remembered what I said to Uraraka about staying by her side.

I got up with the pain of my hand and my foot. "Kid give up your going to lose and you know it." "No I won't lose i'll win and become a hero!" I rushed toward him as I punched him in the stomach. I was able to punch him cause he was caught off gaurd. He was able to summon a spike but was thrown backwards. It was able to go through my hand. I realized if he was distracted or not paying attention I could best him. I took this moment to rush him. He got up only to get punched by me again this time in the face. He was knocked out by that punch. We waited for two more minutes and the police arrived. They took me to the hospital to patch me up.

Uraraka came with me and stayed. My mom came around half a hour later. She came in and hugged me "Izuku I was worryed." "Thanks mom" she looked toward at Uraraka. "Thank you so much for being with him he's lucky to have a friend like you." I asked my mom. "Mom can you let me and Uraraka a little time alone" "sure." She walked out and Uraraka came up to me. "So what did you want to tell me deku?"  "I'm sorry this ended up like how it did." "Deku I had fun, but it's not your fault it ended up like this." "Hey Uraraka do you want to tell my mom that we are a couple?" "We are going to have to tell her sooner or later. So I guess so it's best to get it out of the way."

We let our mom back in. "Hey mom me and Uraraka want to tell you something." "What is it Izuku?" "Me and Uraraka have been dating for around a week now." I saw her face and she was happy. "I'm happy for you Izuku. When I met her that day she came to study she was nice. I hope both of you end up together." "Thanks mom" Uraraka whispered "that was easy." "Yeah but what about your parents?" "They will have to get to know you. But i'm sure they will accept you." She left not long after that. My mom left after I fell asleep.

Half of the next day I was in the hospital till they let me go. I went back home to see my mom waiting for me. I ate lunch and went through the day normally. That's when I realized tomorrow is Kirishima party.

1041 words, I know this might be a little rushed. I'm sorry if explaining and naming quirks were bad. Also sorry if the fight was boring. I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. Bye!

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