Chapter 2

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The first question was 8-2= i put 6 into the Thinkpad. I got the question correct, Baldi said "Your doing fantastic". I answered the 2 other questions. I got them alright. Baldi finally got out of my way, so I could collect the first notebook. I walked out the classroom, I made my way to the other classroom. There was something weird that I notice, all of the classroom doors said "Room 99".

As I walked into the classroom the board said "Sorry I didn't have enough time to right down a subject". I thought to myself *obviously you had time to write this* . Anyway I finished the 2 other questions. But when I got to question 3 it was very odd, I did not even now what it said, maybe the Thinkpad had a glitch or something so I tap the side of the Thinkpad kind of hard. It still did not do anything, so I just guest. The Thinkpad had a message on it after I answered the question. It said "I hear every door you open".

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