I Am Famous-13

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I Am Famous

"I can't go to the mall if I'm broke, Taylor," I said to her on the phone. She was insisting that we hadn't hung out in a while because of the fact that she'd went back home. The thing is, I'd seen her two days ago, the day before Declan took me out to The Diner.

"It's called window shopping, Reese. It's what most of us poor people do," Talyor replied, in a 'duh' tone.

"Well, I hate window shopping. It's depressing." I said and crossed my arms and lay down on my bed.

"Reese," she whined.

"Taylor," I said back, mocking her.

"Fine," she said.

"Thank you." I really just wanted to lounge around in my bed all day. Like a bum.

"Okay, I'm hanging up now," she said.

"Ok- Wait." I shot up from my bed and saw her in my doorway, making her way over to me. "What are you doing in here?"

"We're going window shopping whether you like it or not," she said and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of my room, down the stairs, and out the door.

"Wait, you have to let me change first," I said, trying to break free of her gasp. I was in grey sweatpants and a small pink shirt. I don't remember where or when I bought it, but it was now two sizes too small for me and you could see the bottom of my stomach. My hair had not been brushed so it was pretty much all over the place.

Not attractive.

"I gave you time to get ready, and you just sat on your bed. We are leaving," Taylor said and pushed me into the passenger seat of her car.

I slumped down in the seat and crossed my arms with a 'humph.' At least the car was pretty and new looking.

About ten minutes later we arrived at what I assumed was the mall. I had never been here before, but it looked pretty cool.

We got out of the car and I tried not to notice how many people were staring at us. It was kind of weird. Taylor was all dressed up nicely with her hair flowing in the wind, while I was here looking like her awkward best friend that you only keep around to feel better about yourself.

I followed Taylor in and as she led me in I noticed that almost everyone from the ages of twelve to twenty five was looking at us. 

I nudged Taylor. "You should have let me change, everyone is staring at us," I said, looking around.

She looked up from the racks. "Really?" she asked. "I didn't notice."

"Well, they are," I said and tried to scare them all away by giving each and everyone one of them a cold, scary glare. Or at least I thought that's what I looked like.

"Give them something to look at," Taylor suggested.

"What does that mean?" I whispered.

"I don't know, put on a show." 

"No!" I whisper yelled. "I'll just embarrass myself!"

Taylor shrugged and continued looking at clothes and putting them in a pile on her arm. What happened to window shopping? Looking but not touching?


We continued around the mall, me feeling paranoid that there was a huge stain on my clothes because of the fact that I kept getting stared at. Maybe I was going crazy because Taylor said that she didn't see it.

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