I Am Reese-26

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I Am Reese-26

 When I came home, I immediately went on my laptop to check the progress of my videos. 

All of them were, thankfully, still up.

I then checked FarInLife to see that nothing special was going on. I confirmed a few friend requests, and that was it. But then I noticed that I had a message from someone.

"What is this?" I mumbled to myself as I clicked the message. It was from Amanda, obviously.

Meet me at school at 7:15 tomorrow morning. We can settle our differences in a mature way. Bring no one.

I read and reread the message. I felt like I was in some Texas showdown or something. I didn't reply to the message, but I'd already decided that I would go. I mean, this could be the day that I finally got Amanda off of my back.

And my back was starting to break.

The next morning, I told Declan that I needed to go to school early to talk to one of my teachers. It took a lot of convincing, but he finally agreed not to go early with me. 

I called to my mom that I was leaving the house and walked outside.

Did I even remember the way to get to the school? And how long would it take to get there on foot? Ten minutes? Twenty?

I started the long walk and tried not to think about what I was doing. I was meeting Amanda in a school that was probably nearly empty at this time. Was I stupid or what?

"Suck it up, you gotta do what you gotta do," I mumbled and started walking a little faster. In maybe fifteen minutes, I could see the school.

"Thank God!" I shouted than started jogging up to the main doors. But when I tried to pull them open, they were locked.

The teachers weren't even here yet.

Calm down, Reese. You aren't going to get killed, it's just Amanda. She's only mildly crazy. Sorta. I looked around then tried the door again, but this time it opened with ease.


I walked into the school and realized at that moment that I truly am an idiot. It was almost completely dark in the school and it should be since first class didn't start for another hour and a half.

And what did she mean by settle our differences in a mature way? I mean, what did Amanda classify as mature considering she was chasing after a guy who had told her no repeatedly in the past year. That's three hundred and sixty-five days. Someone had abandonment issues.

"Hello?" I called then mentally slapped myself in the forehead. I'd already established that there was no one here, what was saying hello going to do to me?


But still, I waited for a reply that I already knew would never come. I walked further in and looked for any type of figure that looked ready to pounce or something.

"You came."

I whipped around to find Amanda in the exact spot I had just been standing in. How? I have no idea, the bitch was magical or something.

"Um, yeah," I said, hoping the fear wasn't evident in my voice. "So, what are we gonna do, cat fight or something?" 

I hoped not, because I came prepared to just talk out our differences. At the time I thought mature meant actually mature and not 'I'm a psycho who wants your boyfriend so lets fight till the death.'

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