Senior year

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Senior year. It's suppose to be the best year of high school, but honestly junior year sucked and this one does too. Principal Sue made sure of that. She forcibly transferred all of my friends to other schools in order to permanently get rid of the glee club. She kept Kitty here at McKinley so she wouldn't lose a Cheerio and the only reason I can imagine why I'm still here is because Sue has fun tormenting me into a constant state of submission. Seriously, the woman terrifies me to no end. It's the main reason why Kitty and I don't talk anymore. Sue literally made sure all of our classes were on opposite sides of the campus and she banned me from joining the Cheerios, not that I would want to anyway. If I so much as give a glance in Kitty's direction, Sue will send one of her hounds after me. It's insane the lengths she goes to to make sure music has no place at McKinley. But Sue isn't the only reason why these past two years have sucked. Ryder and I broke up. With him being in another school, we barely had time to spend together. He became too busy for me and when I would bring it up, it would only result in nasty arguments. Those nasty arguments led to a messy break up. We don't talk anymore and it hurts a lot. He was my first love and I really thought he would be my last, but I guess it just wasn't meant to be. On the bright side, I do still talk to Marley and occasionally Unique and Jake. Marley was my rock after the break up, she really helped me clear my head, I guess since she has been through a nasty break up too. She actually convinced me to dye my hair lighter as a way of getting over Ryder and reinventing myself. A makeover didn't fix everything though, I was alone at this school. Without people I loved and trusted around, I went back to my old self. Now the only time I talk during school is when a teacher calls on me and even then, it's a mumble. I've completely shut myself off from new people just like I used to. I don't want to be this way, I want to be the way I was when I was in glee club.

As I made my way to fourth period, I saw a very familiar face walking into Principal Sylvester's office, Rachel Berry. What was she doing here? Yes, her show tanked, but I didn't think she would come back to Lima.

A few days after I saw Rachel in Principal Sue's office, I saw the AV crew moving things out of the choir room, well, the computer lab. As I got closer to the lab, I saw a piano being moved in by Rachel and Kurt. I was so confused until Principal Sue came in and cleared things up. I stood outside the doorway as Sue stepped over her spilled smoothie and made her way into the, now, choir room.
"We're bringing back the glee club. I went over your head and got express written consent from the superintendent and there is nothing you can do to stop us." Rachel said, confidently. I was shocked. This can't be real. Glee club is really coming back?
"You two have just entered Sue Sylvester's Thunder Dome. And I will show you no mercy, give no quarter, and my battle with Will Schuester will look like two adorable little baby pandas play wrestling in comparison to what I'm going to unleash on both of you." Sue then proceeded to trash the room as she does during her temper tantrums. When she came near the door I was standing at, I ran away as fast as I could. Who knows what she would do if she saw that I had known that glee club was back.

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