Chapter 3

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My focus is sharp at training the next morning. Beetee and I need to keep a close watch on the other victors, just to see how their skills have changed since they've won. It's a struggle for the older people, especially Mags. But she takes advantage of her District 4 upbringing and spends most of her time at the knot-tying station. She helps us out, talking as best as she can through her dentures

"Mood 'ob," she tells me after I finish a knot. That must mean, "Good job". I beam at her. We're two of a kind, me and Mags; both women who can't communicate well through words. We're the only ones in this room with that problem, as a matter of fact. She reminds me that I'm not alone.

A few days into training, and we start spending time with the District 12 victors. Peeta shows us a few camouflage tricks.

Somewhere along the line, my curiosity grows. I nudge Beetee with my elbow to get his attention. "Quinn... Ask about Quinn."

"Of course, dear." Beetee looks up from the fire he's making. "Peeta? Wiress was wondering, aren't you related to Quinn Mellark? They were allies."

Peeta nods. "Yeah. She was my aunt. Or, she would've been. Dad told me her cake was always better than his." He pauses, chuckling. "He also wanted me to thank you, for making her last days bearable. And he understands why you had to kill her."

I simply smile at him in thanks. These words mean more to me than he will ever know. All Quinn had wanted was to save herself from a slow death, but I saw it as me becoming a cold-blooded murderer. I've been beating myself up about it for too long. But if Quinn's own brother respected her choices, then I guess it's time to let go of that guilt. After all, worse things have happened in the Hunger Games.
A few days later, somebody knocks on my suite door. It's an Avox with a letter for me. The return address is from District 3. It can only be from one person. I practically rip it apart. I have to read this now.


This is your mother. I don't expect you to write me back. I'm just writing to apologize. I know I can't even begin to make up for the loss of our relationship. But I need you to know that I've thought about you every day. What was it like to be in that arena? I can only guess. I was so angry that you'd end a life without so much as blinking. However, something happened to me when I watched a re-run of your Games the other day. You really didn't want to murder anyone, did you? No. The girl I raised would never enjoy it. Not once did you smile when a cannon went off, unlike some of the others. And it hurt so much to see you cry. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how much you were willing to do, for the sake of coming home to us. Somehow I think if you had no family, you'd likely sacrifice yourself rather than kill. And now you're being forced to go back in. Just know that I love you dearly, Wires. Keep Beetee safe for as long as you can. He's the perfect fit for you. May the odds be ever in your favor!


Your mother

I almost can't see through my tears. If I don't respond now, I'll regret it forever. I have to put the past behind me and make amends. I settle down at the table with a pen and pad; then I begin my letter:


Thank you so much. I don't blame you at all. I guess I should tell you... I'm pregnant. Don't cry. I know you're crying right as you read this. I'm as devastated as you are. I'm sacrificing more than I ever wanted to. But maybe something good will come out of this. We've got Katniss Everdeen. I'm going to help her as best as I can. She may actually have the power to make the Capitol listen. Remember how gutsy she was last year? The other victors and I will come together to keep her alive. Right now I'm about to go show the judges my skills. Please stay strong for me and Joules, okay? I love you. I always have, even though we fell apart. Tell Dad I love him, too.


Your daughter

By the time I'm done writing, my paper is smeared with tears. But Mom won't care. What matters is that she gets the letter. Now that we've made peace, everything seems easier. I can walk in to my exhibition with confidence. I'm prepared to show the Gamemakers a different side of me; not the tech-savvy Wiress that everyone knows, but the Wiress who will put up a good fight if attacked.

"Wiress Kurtz, District 3," I announce to the Gamemakers.

Head Gamemaker Plutarch Heavensbee smiles and gives me thumbs -up. "Go on ahead." Something about him seems different from the Gamemakers I faced before. He's actually on my side, instead of glaring at me like a race horse he's going to bet on.

I choose to do hand-to-hand combat with a robot dummy. It's become my biggest strength, second only to my technical genius.

For two minutes, I throw punches, kicks, and knock the dummy on the floor. I can hope for a good score. But what does it matter now? The sponsors are going to go for the younger, more popular victors, like Cashmere, from District 1. They won't root for the crazy middle-aged lady. I'll have to depend on myself in the arena.

That's why I'm so surprised when they give me a 9. Beetee earns a 10 for disguising himself as grass.

"I bet you were fierce," he tells me as we sit in my room, his arm around my shoulder. "I wouldn't wanna mess with a knockout warrior like you."

I punch him lightly. "Joker."

"Why would I joke when there's so much to love about you?"

"Aw, shucks," I say in a goofy voice. We lean in to kiss.

It's official: As long as I have him, I can handle anything the Games throw at me.

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