Surprises: Part 1

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Cristiano's POV

Oh my gosh. Holy shit. I don't even know what to do right now. How? What? When? Ug! How could I be so stupid?! CRIS CALM DOWN! Just call the person you always call when something happens!

Ring ring ring

"Hi Cris"

"Victoria, can you please come over?"

"Um idk if this is a good time.. Have u seen people magazine?"

"Yeah but please this is urgent and I don't know what to do!"

"Ok, I'll be right over"


Victoria's POV

I headed to the door when Neymar stopped me.

"Where are you going?" He asked

"I need to go to Cristiano's"

"Are you joking Victoria?! Your going to his house now?! After what just happened?!" He said kind of angry

"Please babe, he said it's urgent and when he says that, he means it. I need to go, I'll be back so don't worry!"

"Ok but you better be back for dinner"

"I will" I said while giving him a kiss and heading out the door.


I rang the door bell and the door swung open almost immediately, I think he was pacing beside the door, this must be really serious. Before I knew it he pulled me inside.

"Hello to you too" I said.

"I think you'll need to sit for this" he said not making eye contact with me, he must have done something bad, I've seen this before when I gave him my ball and he ended up roofing it or when we stayed up past his curfew and his mom made him tell his dad.

"What did you do now?"

"How did u know I did something?"

"Please Cris, I've seen this before"

"Um... I don't know how to say this.. I don't even know if this is real life or not. I'm just really freaking out" he said while fanning himself.

"Cris, just tell me!" I said very scared.

"I have a son."

Everything went black for a moment. He has a son?! How?! What?! When?! Where?! I can't believe he got a girl pregnant! After what I told him! Why can't he just stop sleeping with girls?!

"What?" Is all I could say.

"I have a son." He said again.

"I herd you Cristiano! I'm just disappointed in you! How could you be so stupid?! How could you get a girl pregnant?! Did you not hear what I told you?!"

"Yes I heard.. It's just.."

"It's just you were SO horny that you couldn't contain yourself?!" I said while trying to clam down.

"Well yeah but.. This wasn't after I promised to stop whoring around.. This was before.."

"Ok I'm sorry Cristiano but I really didn't like that side of you and the fact that you got a girl pregnant really disappoints me.."

"I know and I feel really stupid but I can't ignore the fact that this boy is MY son and I can't go back and have a redo because this was in God's plan.."

I took a deep breath trying to get rid of all the disappointment and asked "how old is he..?"

"He was born last week.." He said with his eyes glazing a little.

"So.. Who's the mother..?" I asked not actually wanting to know..

"A woman I slept with in America.. It was a one night stand and I was both horny and wasted. I didn't know what I was doing and neither did she.."

"Oh.." I said with pain in my stomach. "So what's going to happen now? Is she moving here?" I asked hoping the answer was no.

"No.." Relief came through me. "She decided she doesn't want anything to do with me or the baby, we talked this morning and she's leaving him with me and letting me decide what his name is going to be and all that stuff"

"You know how much the press is going to be all over this like a bunch of hungry monkeys. And she will never get any privacy."

"She will because she doesn't want anyone to know that she ever gave birth to this child.."

"Oh.. That's sad.." I said really disturbed by that fact.

"Yeah.. Well I needed to tell you because I didn't know what else to do.. And I was also wondering if you could help me take care of him..?"

I went up to him and gave him a hug, he hugged back very tightly. "This is a lot to take in but I'll try my best to help you whenever you need my help. And also, you know your going to have to tell your mom right?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna call her now" he said while picking up his phone.

"Cristiano I have to go now but let me know if you need me to help you with anything" I said while we both smiled at each other and I walked towards the door.

"Victoria, thank you so much, Love you" he said kissing my fore head

"Love you too" I said walking out the door.


Cristiano's POV

I can't believe she isn't extremely mad at me. I thought she'd flip out for sure. I know she was disappointed but she seemed fine after.

Did she expect that? Was I such a man whore that she expected that? Oh my gosh. What did I become? I guess I was just trying to keep myself busy and try not to think about Victoria that I turned into a complete womanizer. I feel terrible. But I'm lucky that she forgave me and agreed to help me. That's why we're best friends.. But I want to be more than that...

----a few days later----

Neymar's POV

"Leo.. I don't know if I could do this.."

"Don't back out now bro"

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