Surprises: Part 3

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Victoria's POV

I woke up to Neymar kissing my neck, I couldn't help but get shivers down my back.

"Good morning cutie" he said

"Good morning hottie" I said while turning around and kissing him. We kept kissing until he said he had a surprise for me downstairs. I'm so excited to see what it is! But he said to get dressed first. So I got dressed and headed to our bedroom door to open it but I was stopped

"Where do you think your going?" He said while putting his arms around me

"Downstairs to look at my surprise duh! You know how impatient I am!" I said as he put a blindfold on my face to cover my eyes. Ug I want to look so badly!!! He lead me down the stairs and I just couldn't wait to see the surprise!!!

"Ready, 1, 2, 3" he said while taking my blindfold off revealing my surprise!

"OH MY GOSH! IRINA! LIO! OZIL! I CANT BELIEVE YOU GUYS ARE HERE!!!!!!!" I said going up to all of them and giving them tight hugs. These are all my best friends that don't live in Madrid.

"Oh my gosh babe! How did you get them to come?!" I said so happily!

"Well Lio, and Ozil are already my contacts and I just looked at your phone for Irina. Oh and I think you should delete those naked pictures of me off of there" he said jokingly.

"Not until you delete mine first" I said while we both laughed.

"Aww you guys are so cute!" Irina said

"Thanks" Neymar said while smiling from ear to ear

"So what should we do?" Ozil asked

"Let's just explore the city, I've never been able to do that in Madrid" Lio said

"Alright let's go" Neymar said as he picked me up and put me over his shoulder.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so jealous of you guys" Irina said with a smile


We came to a little café and sat down while we waited for a waitress.

"I missed you guys so much!" I said to Irina, Lio, and Ozil.

"We missed you too!" Ozil said.

"Well I think I missed her more" Irina said.

"Nope, that's where your wrong, cauz I missed her more" Lio said, while everyone chuckled.

We used to be so close before but now we barley see each other, but I still love them.

"Frik." Neymar said.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked

"Fucking paps" he said while pointing to the side of him. "I hate those guys so much."

"Let's get out of here before they start asking retarded questions" Lio said.

We payed for the bill and left. We decided to go to the park to play 'football' as Ozil said.

Cristiano's POV

I decided to take little Cristiano for a walk to the park, just for some fresh air, he fell asleep so I sat down on the bench rocking the stroller when I saw Victoria. She was playing football with Neymar, Irina, Lio and Ozil. A memory came to me


"Come on Cristiano! You can do better than that!" Toria said looking so cute with her pigtails and what not.

"Don't tell a future football player what to do!" I told her with a smile as I ran up to the net with the ball and scored.

"Cristiano, promise me something?"

"Yeah what?" I asked

"When we're older and your famous, promise me that we will still be best friends and that we'll play soccer together every Friday?"

"Definitely! I promise I will never forget you and will always be there to play football with you" I said and we hugged

*flashback over*

I wish I could be there playing with her..


Hi guys, sorry this is so short 😕 I kind of have writers block and have like barley any ideas 😔

I would appreciate it if you guys could vote and comment 🌟 and thanks for reading 😊

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