Chapter 18 - End

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Within the pitch silence of the room, Beauty began to weep. Everyone in the room could see she was in a state of regret. 

"Epic, I'm so sorry for doing that you. I was drunk, you were drunk, I never intended to hurt you and I hope you can forgive me", She sobbed, Her words piercing through the weeps and cries, barely audible.

The group packed up their things and left the topic, Not leaving a trace behind them.

"Let's go back to my house, We can chill there," Clay said, As they stood outside of the Cafe on what would be a sunny day.

Arriving at Clay's house, the group walked inside. "You guys sit down, I'll bring some drinks," Clay said as she walked to the kitchen, The rest of them plopping themselves down on the living room couch.

"Epic," Beauty said, Breaking the strangely awkward yet somehow eerie silence of the house.

"When Clay texted me and said she made a new friend, It made me the happiest person I could be," Beauty said, Looking Epic deeply in the eyes.

"How so?" Epic asked, His face turning to Beauty and his posture rising.

"You see, Clay..." Beauty paused, Beginning to choke up, Trying to find the words to say yet unable to force them out.

"She's been through a lot," She said, her eyes moistening.

"And," She began to stutter.

"You were truly the reason that made her happier than she's ever been, And if it wasn't for you, I don't think she'd be alive today," She said, a few lone tears running down her face.

"She has been through so much in her life and without you, she would've been gone long ago."

Beauty stuttered, Looking down into her lap, A few tears dropping onto her skinny jeans.

"So... I truly just want to say," She paused once again.

"Thankyou," She forced out, Barely heard through the tears as she went in to hug Epic.

"Since... As children we were often abused by our dad and I tried to stay optimistic but Clay couldn't push through," She sighed, Sniffling loudly and raising her head before lowering it again onto Epic's shoulder.

"Wait, You two are sisters?" Epic questioned a strange tone creeping up into his voice.

"Yes," She cried.

Clay returned with some glass filled with soda, Before placing them down on the coffee table and sitting on the couch.

"Why did you hide it from me that you were sisters?" Epic asked, the confused tone remaining on his voice.

"Since whenever I was at a low point, I didn't want to drag her down with me. She's a beautiful, positive person and I'm a wreck. We kind of disconnected after we left high school. We never spoke with each other again until Pb died and she became a suspect of the murder," Clay said.

"You aren't a wreck Clay. You're amazing. You're a funny, kind, wonderful, beautiful person. You just have a hard time showing it," Epic said, Tears welling up in his eyes.

"And I love you," Epic said, Hugging Clay, As she hugged her back.

"I love you too, Epic. Ever since the day I found you outside the cafe I knew you were an amazing person, You've just never had the chance to shine," Clay cried.

"But here I am, letting you shine. You're awesome, Epic. Thank you for pulling me out of my dark soul, You were the ladder that allowed me to climb out of the dark place in my life, And for that, I am forever grateful to you, And that is why I love you," She said, Weeping onto Epic's shoulder.

As if out of nowhere, Kry stood up, "Well, I really have no place here. Sorry for wasting your time, I'll be leaving," He said as he began walking towards the door.

"Kry, Wait!" Clay said, Breaking the hug and running up to him while grabbing his shoulder.

"I just want to say that I'm sorry for all the times I insulted you, It wasn't you. You're a really cool guy and most of me insulting you was me taking out my sadness and frustration out on someone else, And you just walked in to my life at the wrong time, But you really are absolutely amazing and I'm glad we became friends," Clay said, Looking Kry in the eyes.

"You're really cool too, Clay. I came in at the wrong place and the wrong time, So I never truly got the opportunity to greet myself. But you're a really cool girl," He said, Going in for a high-five with Clay.

"And Epic, My man, We really never talked much but you're awesome too," He said, waving to Epic.

"And I can't forget about you, Beauty. Although we've had some 'intimate' times," He said, sarcastically with air quotes.

"You're a super cool girl, And I hope we remain friends," He said.

The four of them went in for a group hug. 

"The cafe was definitely a journey," Epic said.

"There were some ups and downs, But most of the fun was meeting 3 amazing people who made my life better,"

"And would I do it all again? Why the hell not. Let's just cut out Pbthelegend raping me."


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