Chapter 3 - Overcoming

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Epic casually glanced at Clay as Clay waved goodbye to Uwot, who appeared to be entering into a different topic.

They walked towards a door to a topic, One of the largest doors in the room. "What's this topic?" asked Epic, "I can't tell you that" replied Clay, in a concerning tone.

"S.T.L.B" was the word written in bold across the top of the door. But what could these letters mean?

"Oh dear god" Epic muttered to himself under his breath, realizing what it meant.

"I-I've gotta go" Epic panted as he quickly ran out of the cafe.

"EPIC WAIT!" Clay said, about to run out after Epic before feeling a hand on her shoulder, "Let him run Clay, let him run."

Clay jittered and turned around to see none other than Pbthelegend behind her. "Let me go, I need to go after my friend." Clay said worryingly.

"Friend? Psh, That wimp ass little bitch is your friend? The dude can't take a fucking joke."

"Wh-what do you mean by that?" Clay said, confused yet worried at the same time, Realizing Epic was getting away every second. "Now that I mention it, He actually never told me what happened, I just saw him out there frankly looking pretty fucked up so I helped him."

"That's a long story, Come inside," said Pb, nudging Clay into the topic. "I'm not going in there, You, YOU are the fucking single reason that my friend ran out, YOU are the reason that I found him on the street, looking like he was fucking tortured, crying his eyes out. It was all fucking you." Clay said, aggressively,  clenching her fists.

"Look, if you don't want to come in, Don't get all bitchy to me about it, Yeesh, get off my fucking case will ya?" Pb said, in a rather stern, "matter of fact" sort of way, As he walked back to the topic.

"Go fuck yourself," said Clay, noticing Pb going back into the topic.

Clay quickly jolted out the cafe, chasing Epic, who happened to be in the distance. "EPIC WAIT NO PLEASE I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!" She shouted off into the distance.

She noticed Epic stopping at the sound of hearing that, She ran towards him.

"Epic, I didn't realize this was the topic you were talking about, I'm so sorry. I always thought Pb was a decent guy but now I realize that he's a fucking psychopath and I never want to see his disgusting face again, Now let's get you to my place so you can get cleaned up and have something to drink" Clay said, panting.

"It's fine," Epic said, "I realize you didn't know."

"Come on, I'll take you back to my place for some tea and so you can have a shower and change out of those clothes," Clay said, almost relieved.

"Thank you, Clay, Honestly, thank you for doing all of this to me, I legitimately don't know what I would've done had you not come to help me" sighed Epic, relieved as well.

"I'm glad you appreciate it."

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