Boundaries always come with the wrong reflection
Stop staring at me as if you want to break the restriction.
All rights reserved.
An original story by BitchesAndCream
"WhenJiminwasnineyearsold and Jungkook seven, Jungkookdiscoveredthathecouldseethings in thatmirrorhugup in hislivingroom, the one hisaunt Bella hadgiftedhismother. At first hewas just interested in seeingwhatwason the other side, butthen one day hecaught a glimpseof a verytinyJiminon the other side, and hemadeeverything in his power tomakehimselfnoticeable. At the end Jimindidacknowledgehim, and as the two kids made friends witheachothertheygrewfondoftheir 'best friend' astheycalledthemselves. One day though, whenJiminwas eleven, allofsudden, hestoppedtalkingtoJungkook, avoiding the mirroronhiswaycontinuously, evennowthathe'salmostsixteen, becausehewastoldJungkookwasanimaginary friend."
Chaptername: >>0<< / >>1<< Time: September 2017 Where: Busan Happenings:Start of the school year; Jimin and Jungkook talk again for the first time after six years of silence. JK is 14, JM is 15
Chaptername: >>2<< Time: September / October Where: Busan Happenings: They decide to meet, but because they didn't manage, they stop talking to each other. Jungkook's aunt (previous owner of the mirror) reveals that the twin mirrors are part of two parallel universes, and that Jimin and Jungkook are only able to see each other because of their twin souls. No changes in ages
Chaptername: >>3<< Time: October Where: Busan Happenings: ? JK is 14, JM is 16