Chapter 1: Epic Tuesday

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Danielle's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm playing the Pirates of the Caribbean theme song. I woke up not even moaning and grabbed my phone. All I wanted to do lately was read fanfiction and I have to admit I've become obsessed. It's come to the point where I'm willing to give up sleeping in to read them. That's saying a lot.

I realized that all those stories were just made up and that stuff like that did. not. happen. I also realized that I had very high standards, but I wasn't lowering them. I did not have time in my life to devote my time to a guy who was good for nothing. Top thing he had to put God first. He also had to love his siblings and family.

I already had to wake up early that morning because we were having Epic Tuesday. This was a thing we did at my youth group. It was every Tuesday and my youth group did a different activity like go to the beach, go see a movie, etc. We have been having them for 3 years and I have not missed one so I was definitely going.

I got dressed in some black soccer shorts and a red t-shirt that said ChristChurch. I didn't bother dressing up or putting on makeup because we were going swimming. I slid on a pair of flip flops and waited for my grandma to pick me up and take me to my youth pastor's house. I packed up towels for me and my brother.

My youth pastor's house was only about 10 minutes away so the ride wasn't bad. The only thing that got annoying was listening to 50's music play the whole ride there.

As I pulled up to Ryan's(my youth pastor)house, I realized one thing; Luke was going to be there. Even though he was 11 years older than me, I had a huge crush on him. He was only visiting for a couple of weeks from Boston. He was originally from Panama City but he moved to Boston for work. He had his whole family here and left a girl who he was engaged to in Boston. Frankly, I'm glad because I have no interest in meeting her.

I got out and my best friend, Hannah, ran up and gave me a hug. Somehow managing to cram everything that's happened to her in the past week into 2 minutes. That's just her. A lot of people think that she is quiet and all this crap, but NO! She is insane, but I love her to death.

I put my stuff down and made myself comfortable on Ryan's couch. Every few minutes or so I would hear more people coming in and I would just ignore them. But then I heard Luke and his little brother Benji laughing and I tried to hide my face only to have half of the people in the living room say, "Danielle! Look who's here!" I turned to them and gave them a look indicating I'll Kill You.

Luke didn't hear them, luckily. He came up to me and I saw somebody I hadn't seen before. Luke introduced me to his younger brother, who looked about my age, named Judah. He wasn't bad looking but he seemed like he had a pretty boy attitude so I didn't think much of him. He was dressed in a soccer uniform so I assumed he played. That made him slightly more attractive.

I went back and sat on the couch and I had Hannah with me. I heard Ryan playing guitar and I walked into the office, but to my surprise it wasn't Ryan. It was Luke.

I stayed and we sang together, accompanied by Hannah and my other friend Cheyenne. I wanted them to leave so badly, but they didn't so I just took what I could get being in the same room as him.

At one point he stopped singing and left me singing by myself. I realized but not soon enough to stop what sounded like nails on a chalkboard from coming out. He just smiled and I felt myself blush. He stopped singing and left the room so I picked up the guitar.

As I was strumming and just messing around Hannah described to me that she thought Judah was cute and that she had dibs. I didn't care, I just thought that it was cute. We played a game called werewolf and Hannah got to be Luke's assistant. She was the Holy Spirit. I had to admit I was jealous because her and Luke were the only ones that got to keep their eyes open for the whole game. And no matter how hard I tried to get, out I didn't.

Around 1 o'clock we got ready to go to the mall to eat lunch and see a movie. Hannah and I both wanted to ride with Luke and Judah, because they shared a car but Hannah was too afraid to ask. I walked into the kitchen, in the middle of Judah and Luke competing in ping pong. I tried to play it cool and just asked, "Luke, is it okay if me and Hannah ride with you guys." "Sure it's always fine." Dang he's so smooth.

We got into his car and both him and Judah say up front. "How old are you?" I asked Judah a little shakily after seeing him get into the front seat. He just smiled and said, "old enough." I blushed and honestly I don't even know why. I didn't even know him, much less like him.

We got to the mall and got into the line at Chick Fil A. I checked my bag and realized that I had given all the money to my brother. I went and sat down at the table and Luke came over and sat in front of me. "You aren't going to eat?" I shook my head and replied, "No I am it's just I have to wait for my brother to get here with the money."

He got up and rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't mind paying for you. I really don't." I kind of was in shock. "Are you sure?" He nodded. "Thank you so much! I will pay you back when my brother gets here. Thank you!" "You don't have to pay me back it's fine." How could one guy make me speechless in one day so many times.

After lunch I got the money from my brother and paid for my movie ticket. I still didn't feel right about him paying for my lunch so I gave him the change. "Thanks. But for real if you want I can buy you some popcorn or a drink or something." I remembered he was engaged so I declined his offer.

We walked into the movie theatre with the rest of my youth group and I followed Luke halfway down the seats. It was Luke, followed by Judah, then me, and last was Hannah. Luke walked to the front but Judah took a turn left and walked down to the middle seat. I followed Luke but then Hannah pulled me back saying that she wanted to sit by Judah. That problem was solved by her shoving me in the seat by Judah with her on the other side with me.

I wasn't necessarily disappointed, considering he looked like Cristiano Ronaldo, but I wanted to sit by Luke so bad. The movie was called, Million Dollar Arm or something like that and it had already started so I just watched the movie.

I was surprised when pretty boy turned to me and started talking about the relationship of the movie. "I bet he is going to go to the other girl in the end. The model will probably cheat and he will leave her." I wasn't phased by the sweet talk and I came up with a witty comeback. "Or the model will cheat and he will still stay with her because that's just how guys are." I grinned. He looked at me surprised like 'did she really just say that to me?'

I took it upon myself to take the armrest in between me and Judah because Hannah had occupied the other. Judah raised his arm and put it on the armrest so I started to take mine off. He used his other hand to catch my arm and whispered, "no it's fine." It was weird, but I thought, I don't even know this boy so I didn't get too attracted. He also put his leg over mine so our legs were crossed together. That's when I finally blushed because I realized how I looked.

I was 6'0 tall and had braces. I had no makeup on at all so I didn't look at him, in fear of him moving away. So I just paid attention to the movie. At the end of the movie he turned to me and said, "That was a good movie, but what happened to that model. We saw her once and then it's like she disappeared. But you owe me something because I won the bet saying that they would end up together."

"Whatever." I laughed rolling my eyes. "Maybe the model cheated on him like you said and never came back. Aww them girls ain't loyal." He laughed and we walked out of the theatre. We got back in the car and drove back to Ryan's house. They had to leave early so I gave Luke a hug and told Judah goodbye.

And that was that. Probably wouldn't see Judah ever again. I just didn't know what to do. How do guys do that? Hangout with a girl and then leave. I guess this is why I don't fool around. I left and was very disappointed with myself.

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