Chapter 10: She said Yes!

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Danielle's POV:

The next Epic Tuesday we went skating. Judah asked me to ride with him and I accepted. Benji is the cutest thing ever and I think that him and Chandler, my brother, should hangout more. At the skating rink I hungout with Margaret a lot. She told me that Luke actually got engaged. He told us before that he was engaged, practically, but now he was getting married for real.

Margaret grinned at me because she knew that I liked Luke. I just rolled my eyes and skated faster. A guy named Dakota, who is around our age came up to me and grabbed my heels to make me fall. I sat there and pouted. He laughed and offered me his hand to help me get up. I thought Dakota was cute but he liked a girl named Kate. He helped me up and I skated over to Judah.

Dakota and Judah were friends because they played soccer together. Judah didn't seem happy so I asked him what was wrong. "Is there something going on between you and Dakota?" I just laughed and shook my head. Judah asked me to be on his team to play a game called Catan. It seemed nerdy and it kind of was, but it was interesting and hard. Judah had to teach everyone how to play, including me. No one really listened and they kept talking. Judah got a bad headache which wasn't good considering he had a soccer game after.

When we left, I hopped into shotgun and we went back to the church. Hannah, Benji, and Chandler were in their own little world talking in the back seat. Judah and I weren't really talking, I guess because he had a bad headache. "Why didn't you just take some Ibuprofen, that Barbara offered you?" He turned to me, "I have a game after and I don't want to risk me getting sick. Plus Barbara kind of creeps me out." I laughed and blushed. I think I blushed because of his whisper, but who knows.

When we got back to the church Ryan asked Judah to tell the story of how Luke got engaged. I was kind of wondering, he just asks her that's all there is to it, isn't there? But no, there was much more.

Judah began, "So Luke really liked this girl, and he knew he wanted to marry her but he couldn't afford a ring. He was on a teacher's salary. But that same day the pastor at Luke's church was talking to his wife. They live right down the street from Luke and they could see how much Luke loved this girl. God was speaking to the pastor and his wife and they came to the conclusion to give Luke her wedding ring to give to Sonia. But they had no idea that Luke was even looking for a ring. God worked in the background of all this. So they called Luke over and hold him this. He proposed the next day and we got a text around 6:15 reading, 'She said yes!'"

I felt tears in my eyes. Not from sadness but from happiness. That was the sweetest thing I have heard in a long time. We got in a big circle to play Live Mafia. We turned off all of the lights and started playing. I found Judah and he took me back in the back in a small room and we hid behind a desk. It was awkward because we had nothing to say. I felt his hand caress my cheek and pull me closer. In solid darkness we found each others lips.

This was our first kiss and I didn't want him to stop I wish we could've stayed there forever. He slid his hands down to my waist and I put mine on his chest.

Judah's POV:

This is the first real kiss we've had where we are both aware. I stopped for a minute and then I asked her a question, "Danielle, what are we?" I couldn't see her but I knew she was blushing. She did that a lot. It was cute. "What do you want us to be?" I was hoping she wouldn't do that and just answer the question, but now it was up to me. "More than friends?" I asked hoping for a good answer. I heard her whisper, "yes." Right before our lips connected again I reached my hand up and acted like I was cutting her throat. I was the Mafia. She 'punched' me and said, "You wrecked it." I smiled and screamed "Dead Body!"

When I got home that night I couldn't help but want to see Danielle. We were finally something and I couldn't stand to not be around her. I decided to look up verses in the bible about relationships. I did not want to lose her. I was going to stay close to God, and do everything in my power to keep Danielle. I really loved her.

On Wednesday morning I got up and grabbed my phone. I texted Danielle asking her to come over, except don't bring Lexi. She responded, "okay. Lol!" About an hour later Danielle came up and I led her to my room. It was only us two there, because my parents were at work and Benji was at karate. She sat down on my bed and took out her phone. I did the same. It wasn't necessarily awkward we were just quiet. "So do you want to watch a movie?" She laughed and said, "Sure but I can quote The Lego Movie, so I'll pass on that one." I frowned partly kidding.

"Okay how about, uh, something scary?" Her eyes got big and she shook her head fast, "No!" I grinned and said, "come on it won't be that bad. We can watch The Quiet Ones." She all of a sudden became very interested. "Isn't that the one with Sam Claflin?" I raised my shoulders. I had no idea who that was. "Fine. But if gets to scary, I'm standing up and walking out." I just laughed and put it in the DVD player. I grabbed a big blanket and turned the lights off. We both sat down on the couch on our own sides. That's what really disappointed me.

Danielle watched about 30 minutes of the movie until the main character had to go into the house and start filming. She covered her eyes, so I silently got up and snuck up behind her. "Boo!" She screamed and grabbed onto me. I walked around and hugged her I laid down on the couch and she put her head in my lap. One point in the movie the ghost girl starts strangling the main character, who I figured out was Sam Claflin. Danielle buried her face into my chest and squeezed me tightly. I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear, "it's okay."

When the movie finished I turned it off, yet we still say there in the darkness. She stood up and was going to turn on the light but I followed her. I grabbed her waist and pulled her close to me. I backed her up against the wall and put our lips together. Danielle's hands went through my hair. Then we heard the front door open so we jerked away from each other and sat on my bed. "To be continued?" She smiled and nodded her head. I gave her a quick peck on the lips goodbye. She left me speechless.

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