Chapter 5

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April Saturday 28, 2018

April Saturday 28, 2018

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Miracle "MeMe" Knowles

I grabbed my water bottle drinking it down. As of right now i was making a run with Lira. I know it's like why her? Didn't y'all just become cool after the way she did you.

She wanted to run, and in order to catch up i decided it wouldn't be that bad.

"For such a bad ass body you do not like to stay in Shape." She told me. "I know, because i didn't think i needed to." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't have to grow all angry i was just saying."
She said. "Mhm i know but i didn't think i needed it." I told her.

"Well you do because that bad ass body won't be there forever." She said. "Yeah you right." I said as i walked up to the house. "You know it's really nice what dave is doing for you." Lira said.

"What?" I said looking at her. "Oh no I'm saying it's nice to see him settled for once. If you didn't know his ex girlfriend he cheated on her so bad it was embarrassing."

"What really?" I said turning the key and unlocking the door. "Yes really. How do you not know these things?" She laughed then opened her lollipop.

"No because I'm not so much of an social media person." I told her.

Lira "Galore" Mercer Knowles

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Lira "Galore" Mercer Knowles

"That's probably some what true but yeah be careful around him." She said. "And who was this female?" I asked.

"Oh her name was jilly." She said. "Wait what jilly who?" I asked. "Jilly anais." She told me. "Wow I'm such an idiot..." I said. "How?" She asked.

"Because i caught her in here a while back and i beat her ass then he told me that was his sister so i apologize to him and her because i felt bad."

"No sissy see that's the female he been messing with." She told me. "Look let me show you." She said grabbing her phone. She showed me a picture of them kissing. I shook my head at how stupid i was.

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