A New World

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You spent the next week in dead silence, grieving, worrying, crying.  You barely left the house anymore, let alone your room, your bed.. You hadn't touched the last draft of your book since you first moved over. Emails from your employer built up, and you were eventually forced to write a short response. Tell them you would be silent for a while. The neighbors tried to help, and you appreciated it, really, but nothing made your feelings change. Nothing made the heartache fade.

You knew of one friend, though. F/N, the one who had just moved to Sleepy Hollow.

Skype would be fine, right? They had Skype. So, you pulled out your laptop for something other than mindless scrolling for the first time in days, and opened Skype, and called them. It took a few tries for them to pick up, but when they did, they were happy to see you. Unaware.

"Y/n! How are you? Goodness, look at how dark your eyes have gotten. When did you last get a good night's sleep?" F/N asked, happiness washed over with concern.

You paused. How long had it been since you last slept?

"What happened?" F/N asked, frowning deeply.

"You, uh.. You know I moved in with an old friend?"

They nodded.

"She was.. She was with the police. Killed on the job."

You didn't want to say too much for fear of breaking down, fear of another sobbing fit, the lack of air and tears and the dehydration and then the nothing afterwards.

"Oh my- holy lord, I'm so sorry. I am so sorry. Is there anything I can do?"

Tears were threatening to spill now, building and building, your face growing red and hot.

"I'm- I should go now, F/N. Got work to do. You know the drill."

Her face fell. "Okay.. I- please call me later. I'm here."

You hung up.


You were leaning gently against the clear window, growing fuzzy and grey with your breath as you stared outside at the moonlit sky. Stars glowed faintly against the black void, barely visible through streetlights that dimmed the moon's glow, almost like your breath on the window. You picked yourself up, glanced around the streets, and.. two red, glowing spots sat in the bushes. Quickly, you shoved the window open, sticking your head out rather carelessly.

"Hey! In the bushes! Scram!" You yelled, voice sharp.

You could hear laughing from the bushes. Then, arose some.. person. No one you had ever seen in the neighborhood; more than likely some dumb kid trying to play a prank, most notably by the red eyes and far, far too pale skin. Make-up and contact lenses.

"Go on, get out, kid! I'll come down there! Best get moving before I do."

Another laugh, more full this time, erupted from the person. They weren't leaving, apparently. So you would make them. You slammed the window shut, grabbing a fairly large silver cross Seras kept above the bed and your keys, which you slipped between your fingers. Where the cross touched your skin, there was a slight tingling feeling, like pins and needles. You stormed down to the ground level and swung the door open, that damned kid standing there with the most smug look you had ever seen.

"Get. Moving. Dumbass." You growled, raising your fist.

It smiled, revealing canines too sharp to be human, too sharp to be fake, too.. real.

It wasn't some kid.

As the thing reached out to grab you, you slammed your fist into its chin, knocking it back a few feet, though it quickly recovered and walked back towards you with barely a scratch to show for it. You threw the cross at it, and the thing dodged it with barely a movement. You jumped past it as it got back to you, diving for the cross, which you held above you defiantly.

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