Isn't This Kidnapping?

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You left your house, rather, Seras' house, with only a backpack. Alucard encouraged you to jog, but you'd never been a runner, and ended up walking despite his complaints. You didn't really care. He still hadn't told you where he was taking you, and currently you were more focused on why it had seemed like a good idea to follow a stranger and your supposedly-dead best friend off to god-knows-where in the middle of the night.

 "You're too slow, Y/N." Alucard had appeared beside you again. 

"Call an Uber then. I'm not running, and you can die mad about it." You looked up at him. "Where are we going, anyway?" 

"You'll find out." 

 "You sound like my mom." 

 He barked out a laugh, then grabbed you by the wrist, making you walk faster. 

 "Hey, what the hell- let go of me!" You spat, pulling your wrist back harshly, Alucard letting go quickly after you punched him in the wrist. 

 "Hurry up." 

 "Die mad about it." 

 He sighed, bent down, picked you up, and began running. You didn't even try to escape. If he was going to be like this, then so be it. You could be a pain too. Alucard caught up to Seras far too slowly for your liking. She looked over, more than mildly surprised by how fine with this you looked, then silently sped up, thoughts obviously racing. 

You weren't entirely sure how long you'd been running for, but you guessed it was about an hour, before Alucard dropped you. You were awoken from your happy dozing by a sharp pain in your back and elbows as you hit the concrete. You sat up, and you could tell this was some sort of private property - the private property of someone rich, at that. Large hedges lines the road leading up to a massive mansion. Alucard pulled you up and nodded towards the mansion, then started walking. 

You moved closer to Seras, not wanting to be stuck alone with Alucard any longer than necessary. She smiled at you reassuringly and took your hand in hers, then began walking too. You tried to make small talk or something as you walked up to the mansion, something to pull your mind off the oppressing air of the area, or maybe that of being near Alucard, something to calm your nerves as you approached the mansion that you could see growing closer and closer too fast for your liking. All too soon, you were at the door, thoughts and pulse racing.

The door opened from the inside. Standing by the hinges was an older looking man with slick black hair pulled into a ponytail that went more out than down, barely reaching the top of his shoulders. He was wearing a blue-grey vest over a white dress shirt, a black tie, gloves, and a monocle. Just past his shoulders were gold-colored armbands, one on each side. His pants were simple grey dress pants and black leather shoes that looked to have a small heel. He had a welcoming expression, a small smile, pleasant enough, but not enough to offset the stone floors and castle-like interior. 

Alucard stood beside him. You weren't sure how he got in - you hadn't seen the door open, or Alucard walk in at all. It was as if he just materialized there while you weren't paying attention. You weren't entirely sure that wasn't what had happened.

 "Welcome, Seras. Welcome, miss. If I may have your name?" His voice was pleasant, friendly, the voice of someone you could trust.

 "I, uh.. my name is Y/N. You?"

He nodded, barely visible, and made a small bow towards you. "Of course. My name is Walter Dornez, retainer to the Hellsing family."

 "Hellsing.. wait, what? Hellsing? You're kidding me. The only Hellsing to ever possibly become rich enough for a place like this, let alone to ever exist in the first place, is Abraham van Hellsing and he's from Dracula by Bram Stoker." He thought you stupid. You were sure of it - first was vampires, then your dead friend was back to life, but trying to pretend that Dracula and Hellsing are real? "You think I'm dumb, huh? Everyone knows Dracula. What kind of joke is this?"

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