Chapter 4

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they lobbed torches into windows and destoyed everything. I knew I couldn't fight them all off and even if I did there was nothing to save. So I tured and ran in the direction of my family. After I realised the thugs weren't following me I slowed to a walk. then I saw it. A pile of bodies. As I got closer I saw a woman a man a small boy and little girl. all fallen and bloodied. I saw that they were my family I ran to them all were dead exept for dad. "Ajax. come... here." "Dad!" "Son...take this." He extended his hand and dropped and amulet. An amulet of Talos. "It...'s yours now. keep it close and talso will guide you and give you strength. " Then his hand fell and his breath stopped. "no...just no...this can't be happening. I colapsed and blacked-out. I woke at about noon next to my father's body. I saw the town's smoldering remains. The bandits were gone with all the valuables. I desided to take a look to see if I could find any thing I could use. I was leaving the village. I was leaving Highrock.

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