Chapter Three

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Kaitlynns POV

          We talked all night and fell asleep. I woke the next morning and saw him asleep with his head in my lap and started thinking and just left the earth for a moment. When I looked back at Jonathan we found each others gaze, and he finally broke the silence. " You hungry? " he said not leaving my eyes. " Umm...yeah sure thanks" I said rubbing my temple. " Ok I'll be back" he said smiling at me.


Jonathan's POV

     I went down to the cafeteria and got her what she wanted and brought it up to her. She was looking out the window...she's so beautiful sitting there. I hate that she got hurt but I now know her better and hate myself for all those years of beating her hitting her and saying things that I shouldn't have about her because she's the most beautiful,understanding, caring, and loving person I've ever met.

I took the tray of food over to her and she smiled at me kind of making me blush but I guess it's fine for now. I put it on her lap and she offered me some food but I told her that I was fine. She finished and I took care of her stuff for her and sat back down.  Then a nurse came in and checked on her. " How's she doing ?" i asked

her as I stood up and walked over a few feet away from the hospital bed. " She's recovering faster than we expected,but she will have to stay here for at least another month or so" she said looking at me. " Ok thank you" I said looking away to find Kaitlynn looking at me. " Well I'll leave you two alone now." she said giving us a weird look. " No we're not -" she cut me off. " Ok bye bye now" she was too freaking perky! So after that I sat down and started to talk but Kaitlynn gave me such a look like he was trying to tell me something with her face.  Like ' I need you and don't want to be left alone.'  So I took her hand in mine and told her " I'm here for you and I won't leave until you want me to." I finished as I looked into her beautiful brown eyes as she shed a tear. And that's when I kissed her hand telling her that everything's going to be ok " Everything's gonna be ok, I will be here 24/7 at your side no matter what." and with that she smiled,making my heart warm and me happy.


Kaitlynns POV

        He was sweet, and kind, and caring and I just wanted to hug him and be wrapped in his arms. But he probably doesn't feel that way about me.  Huh...I hope that I get out o here soon!!!




Hey I'm sorry that this chapter was a little short but I'm trying and I hope that you at least like it a little bit

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