Chapter 3

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Eren and you run to dinner. Your stomachs started to growl as you got closer to the dinnng hall. You grab your food and start to eat it before you are at your table.

"Where were you guys? You missed lunch," Sasha says taking a big bite out of her food.

"We were cleaning," you say. Your stomach then growls some more. You laugh a little. "Looks like I am really hungry."

"Here," Eren says holding a spoon full of (soup). You blush a little, but you accepted the (soup). The (soup) was a little hot, but you did you did not complain, instead you give him a soft smile. You feel as if someone is staring daggers at you, Mikasa.

"Tch," you hear from behind you. You turn around to see that it is Levi and the girl again.  He sits next to you and she sit next to Eren, so you are inbetween the two of them. "Both of you brats did well cleaning today."

What is her name?

"Really," you say in disbelife, because you were there all day.

"Tch, I said you did well," Levi says. You did not want to start a agruement, so you finish your food quickly and so did Sasha.

"(F/n) are you mad at little shorty?" Sasha says which made you smile a little bit.

"Yeah, he made me and Eren clean the whole day and he says we did a good job?!" you say with a voice crack at the end.

"Wouldn't that be a compliment?" Sasha says confused.

"I guess, but we had to ask him if we could leave," you say.

"That's harsh," Sasha says stopping at your bedroom door. "Bye, (F/n), talk to you tomarrow," Sasha says running off.

"Bye," you say with a little wave. You feel a lot more relaxed now then before talking to Sasha. She is a great friend. You open your bed room door and get ready for bed.


You wake up to hear knocking on your door. "I am coming," you say going to the door. You turn the nob and open  the doot to see Levi there. He walks into your room.

"Your room is a mess!" he says and starts to take everything off of your bed. You freeze for a moment, but then you feel all of your anger again.

"What are you doing?!" you whisper scream, because you were nice and did not want to wake the people who live next to you up.

"I am cleaning your room," he says going to your dresser. You run over and grab his arm before he can open the top dawer, which help all of your bras and panties.

"Why?" you ask him making your grip a little tighter. He doesn't answer you instead he escapes your hand and goes to the second drawer, which held your socks. "Where am I going to sleep?" you ask with your arms crossed.

"You can sleep in here after I get your bed done. It would be faster if you helped," he says picking up all of your landry. You pick up some too and wash them. The two of you goes back to your room and wait for your landry to dry. Levi starts to sweep and you sit on your bed watching him. After awhile your eyes got more heavy and when you tired to open them more they would burn. You laid on your stomach and tryed not to fall asleep.

"Tch, do not fall asleep. Did you hear me?" Levi says, which is the last thing that happens before you where in dream land.

The next morning you wake up in another room. The room had the biggest bed you have ever seen and everything was so clean. You walk out of the room and relaize that you were in Levi's room. You walk back to your room and open your door to see Levi still cleaning. He loooks at you while you get a rag.

"I can do this by myself," he says. "Go get some breakfast," he says going back to work.

"And what about you?" you ask, seeing the bags under his eyes.

Was my room really that dirty?

"What about me?" he says starting to put everything away.

"Are you going to eat breakfast?" you ask.

"I am done, so after I put everything away, I will eat," he says carrying all of the cleaning supplies out the door with him. You take a deep breaty and leave your room.

"Hey (F/n)!" Sasha says bumping into you.

"Hey!" you say back, bumping into her.

"Who iwas in your room?" she asks you with a big smile.

"How do you know someone was in my room?" you ask surprised.

"Well, I walked by your room to hear you talking to someone, so who was in there?" she asks.

"Coropal Levi," you say quietly.

"Why was he was in there?" she asks looking surprised.

"I am not really sure, but he was cleaning my room," you say with a sigh.

"Maybe he was looking for your dairy!" Sasha says, which made a chill go down your spine.

"I don't have a dairy," you say bluntly.

"I thought you would have one," she says in disbelife.

"Well I don't,"  you say walking into the dinning hall.

"You sure?" Sasha says with a goofy look.

"Yes I am sure," You say laughing. When you get back to your room you smell  lots bleach that you did not smell before. You look around to see everything has been scrubbed and washed. "He did a good job," you say and hearing your door open.

Levi x reader x ErenWhere stories live. Discover now