Info/Chapter 1

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Name: Amy Elric

Age: 11 at beginning

Looks: 5 feet tall (152.5 centimeters), golden eyes, long dark brown hair, fair skin, petite with some curves

Family: Trisha Elric(mother), Edward Elric(Twin) and Alphonse Elric(younger brother), and Hohenheim (father)

Special Info: Her hair is dark brown due to a genetic mutation, since her parents hair is blond and a grayish brown

Past: Amy is the middle child of Trisha and Hohenheim. She used alchemy just like her father and loved every bit of it, until her father left her and her brothers in the middle of the night. A little while after turning 11, their mother died.

Our story starts a few months after the death of the Elric's mother.


Amy's POV

Edward, Alphonse, and I had gotten some ingredients together and put them into a small washbin.

"Are you sure this will work Brother?"

"Of course it will Alphonse. Edward's calculations are perfect. We have everything we need to make a human body, except for a soul. And similar DNA should work to help bring back mom. Right Edward?"

"That's right Amy. Well, here it goes." He pulled out a knife and cut the pad of his finger and passed the blade while the blood dripped onto the pile of human ingredients. After Alphonse and I added our blood we got into position on the outsides of the transmutation circle.

Human transmutation was a forbidden form of alchemy, but for what reason, we weren't completely sure.

We started the alchemy and soon enough it started to work with a bright golden light, however it soon change color as Alphonse was ripped to oblivion and Edward lost his left leg. I was fine. Edward was bleeding and when we looked what we had made, it wasn't mother... but a monster.

"What happened? We should have mom. What went wrong?"

"Edward." He looked at me. "Where's Alphonse?" After he realized what had happened he grabbed a suit of armour and started to draw another transmutation circle, I tried to get closer and scraped my leg. I used the blood to help the circle and copied Edward we tried to bring Alphonse back. What happened next was agonizing torment.

I watched as Edward had his right arm removed, then felt a sharp pain in my right leg. When I looked, it was being removed from my body. It was soon gone and Edward fainted. I screamed in agonizing pain and depression. Then the armour moved. It was Alphonse.

"Alphonse. Grab Edward, we need to get to Granny's." He looked at his new body quickly then grabbed Edward.

"Amy, your leg." I grabbed the bleeding wound.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. We have to hurry. He's bleeding to death." We got to Granny's and I thought she was about to piss herself.

"Edward, Amy! What happened? Who is this?"

"It's me Granny."

"Alphonse?" He nodded his empty helmet.

"Granny please! Edward's going to die!" After saying that I fainted into a puddle of my own blood.

I woke up a few days later bandaged up next to Edward. Alphonse was sitting in the corner. I turned to face the window. It was nice and sunny out. I sat up and smiled, until I saw the house. The memories rushed back and I felt myself shake. It must have been bad because Edward sat up and wrapped his single arm around me.

"I'm sorry Amy, Al. It's all my fault." I didn't realize it until after but I had slapped him across the face.

"Don't say that Edward! We all share the blame! Don't put it on only yourself." I hugged him and cried. He held tight as Alphonse rolled over a wheel chair.

"Come on Brother. Granny wants you to at least be up and out of bed a little bit." We did what we could to get him in and then Alphonse handed me a crutch. We went to the dining room and Edward looked mortified the whole time. I was about as equally shaken but to a degree where I couldn't show it on my face.

I looked at my hair and saw no blood on it, I may not remember much, but I was sure I had at least a little blood in my hair.

After a few hours, as the sun was setting, there was a knock on the door. Granny went to get it.

"Hello, my name is Lieutenant Colonel Roy Mustang, and this is Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye. I would like to speak to the Elric children if I may." Granny stepped aside as a tall, very attractive, black haired man and a blond woman walked into the house. They seemed to not see me, considering I was on the opposite side of the room, and Roy lifted Edward by the shirt and started to yell at him about performing human transmutation and blaming him for what happened to Alphonse and what happened to me.

"Leave him alone!" I started to run, but forgot about my newly amputated limb and fell flat on my face, crutch being tossed out of my reach. They looked at me. I propped myself onto my arms and started to army crawl my way over. "He didn't mean it. He didn't know what would happen. None of us did. Please, put him down." Roy did so and I just crawled up the wheelchair and onto my one foot. I turned myself towards Roy.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Amy Elric. And I was fine until I decided to help Edward bring Alphonse back. So please, leave him alone." Roy smiled.

"So you two did a human soul attachment transmutation. And at such a young age. I'm impressed. The state military may have a place for you two. Come to the capital and come find me when you are well enough to do so." I felt my heart drop. He was so handsome. And what he said just gave me hope. He left and I looked at Edward.

"Edward. Did you hear that? We could be state alchemists. We would have access to the national archives and all the alchemy books imaginable in the State Alchemists library. We could fix what we had done and get things back to normal." He smiled up at me.

"I was thinking the same thing sis."

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