Chapter 3

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I finally see something. Is that... A cardboard box? I see it has this face like it was drawn on with a marker. That little face looks almost familiar, but I can't quite place a finger on it. I hear something. A voice, a child's voice, is calling out for someone named Gregory and willing them to come play. I spin in a 360° circle and don't see anyone behind me, or anywhere around me for that matter.

Then it hits me: it's the box speaking, though it's mouth does not move. Oh that's too creepy. What is this? What is going on?

My eyes pop open in fear as I hear a long, drawn out scream that's much too similar to the horror movies when someone is being murdered. It was all just a dream, but what about that scream? I hear it again and realize, fairly certain, that it came from Toast's room.

I bolt up, throw off my bedding and leap out bed. I'm still in my Ghostbusters pajamas, but I don't care if it means I can make it to Toast. I throw open my bedroom door, run down the hallway and fiddle with Toast's door handle, ready to bust a ghost. My main question stands though: how could a ghost get through our protection field? I finally open the door and peer into Toast's room. Just like every other time I've ever seen it, his room is organized aside from yesterday's clothes still hung over the back of his chair. There were multiple pictures and posters of his culture with the British flag, bands from his country, and some vintage paintings. However, in stark contrast to his decor, I see Toast pulling his Union Jack comforter up to his nose.

"Toast, what's wrong?" I ask as I run to his bedside.

"I-it-it's her," he replies, frightened. His knuckles are as white as the stripes on his bedding as he grips the blankets.

"Who? Who is 'she'?"

"Aimee!" He barely manages a hoarse whisper.

"What? Where is she? What happened?"

"Sir, she was in my dreams! She was chasing me down a long hallway," He shivers as he huddles deeper into the layers of fabric. "She's in my head, Sir. She'll drive me insane and I'm sure of it."

I sigh and lift the blankets, gently pulling on his elbow. "Toast, lets go down stairs, and I'll make you some tea."

Toast nods and I lift him up from his bed and I help him downstairs. He usually makes some homemade tea, but because it's me, I just put a Kcup in the Keurig.

Once he's settled down, I return to my room to prepare myself for my day. When I come down the stairs to leave the house, I notice Toast has moved himself to the couch, donning his reading glasses as he flips through a catalogue about paranormal activity. That makes me feel bad about what I'm about to say.

"Toast, I have to go teach at the CreepyPasta College. In your previous state, I find it best you stay home." I don't look him in the eye, almost sure I know what he'll say next.

"But Sir, I know all about the CreepyPastas!" Toast whines. "You saw me with them at their graduation; they're already prepared to have me as a teacher!"

"Sorry, pal. I have to go," I rush as I grab my to-go cup and call a quick goodbye before dashing out the door. I get in the car and speed down the road without giving Toast a chance to follow me. I feel almost guilty that I've left him behind, but I don't want him to induce a panic attack upon himself from post traumatic shock. I also feel bad that I didn't stay home with him and make sure he's okay. But I have a job to do.

I arrive at Spooky Hollow Road and step out of my car to look around. It feels as though it's ten degrees cooler out here, and I shiver into my hoodie. There's a big black building with a courtyard, which I assume must be the school. I approach the school and notice three figures standing in front, so I know my students have arrived. Me, the teacher of the children of the CreepyPastas.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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