Geeky Writer who loves Doctor Who, Sherlock,and VenturianTale.

My Favorite VenturianTale character is Johnny Ghost. Toast is number two. But I love both of them.

If you have any questions about any of my books just ask.
  • SumaliFebruary 3, 2014


Huling Mensahe
AnimatingHikari AnimatingHikari Sep 24, 2016 02:58AM
Yo, I'm sorry... I stopped working on the Life of Johnny Ghost. But I will post the not edited chapters if anyone still wants to read it.
Tingnan ang lahat ng mga usapan

Kuwento ni AnimatingHikari
The Life of Johnny Ghost ni AnimatingHikari
The Life of Johnny Ghost
Never before has his past been revealed, but now the pieces are coming together. Art is SylarGrimm's go check...