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yoongi trying to catch a mouse and somehow ends up running outside and getting lost

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yoongi trying to catch a mouse and somehow ends up running outside and getting lost.


The one thing Yoongi couldn't stand was tiny rodents coming into his territory - his boyfriends house - and trying to live there. Obviously, it was his territory. He'd made sure to mark it thoroughly by rubbing his body all over walls, furniture, and the floor. But, some rodents were just too stupid and didn't realize he lived there. The only positive thing about the whole ordeal was he got a tasty meal. That being said, when Yoongi found a tiny baby mouse buried inside the blankets in Jungkook's closet, he was surprised but he was also feeling a bit hungry so he wouldn't bitch about it that much to his boyfriends. Maybe just a little.

Crouching down, Yoongi made his was towards the baby mouse trying his hardest to stay quiet. A second before Yoongi was about to pounce on the mouse, the babe noticed him and quickly dashed out of the blankets and out of his boyfriends room. Furious and now hungry, Yoongi followed after the mouse with his claws out, reading to catch the rodent. Luckily, all his boyfriends were out for work or else they'd notice him trying to eat the babe and make him stop.

Yoongi runs faster, back legs pushing onto the ground making Yoongi gain momentum. The mouse runs past the kitchen and enters the living room with Yoongi following right behind him. The mouse seems to debate where it should go, outside the cat door or into another room (which was the bathroom, meaning he'd be trapped. Yoongi hopes the babe choses the bathroom.) With Yoongi's lucky seeming to be gone that day, the mouse runs outside and uses the kittens cat door as an escape route. Without even thinking about the consequences Yoongi runs out the cat door, following the mouse right by its tail.

Yoongi swings his claws trying desperately to catch the babe, now noticing more than ever how hungry he really is. Animal instincts seemed to have kicked in.

Following the mouse down the block, Yoongi finally starts noticing the burning of his muscles and legs. The blaring sun doesn't help, making the kitten not only hungry but dehydrated. The pavement of the road digs into his claws, very unhelpful in trying to make himself comfortable. Sometimes small pebbles or sticks will make contact with the kitties small, delicate, paws making the babe whine in pain.

Suddenly, the mouse makes a sharp turn into the lawn of another house. By now, the kitten is exhausted, hungry, and dehydrated. He'd never felt so miserable in his life. Deciding it's no use in trying to catch the seemingly Olympic runner mouse, Yoongi quits while he still has some energy. The kitten plops himself onto the side of the road, the pavement digging into his back and tail making him very uncomfortable. Although, warning signs were going off in his head, the kitty is exhausted and decides a quick nap can solve his problems. He'll find his boyfriends later.

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