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Once they became an official genin, they went to do their missions which was a D-Rank missions. They tend to complete them easily and Naruto got bored with that. His face tells everything. He complained to Kakashi and Kakashi was once had the same thought as Naruto, so he went to see the hokage to complain the matters. Surprisingly, the hokage considered their complaints and gave them a C-Rank mission.

Kouri was excited than ever. She finally could feel that she could use her skill. Right now, the five of them are on a trip escorting a certain old man to a village where he build a bridge. He's the master of the bridge and supposedly finish building it soon. The team 7 mission was to escort him to the village safely. 

They currently walking along the trail simply looking at the view around them, while low-key cautious of surrounding. Sakura and Kouri talked and giggled alot, being girls they were. The boys didn't know what they were talking about but as much as seeing them being scared, they would rather let them feeling safe.

Suddenly, Kouri felt a something tugged in her body. There was a presence moving around her that makes cautious sharpened. She abruptly stopped talking to Sakura and focused on her surrounding. She tried to focus to and finally, two unknown chakra had formed which made her gripped to her spear.

"Kakashi-sensei-" she was cut off by them ambushing on them, targetting Kakashi-sensei who was then stabbed by them. All of the genins shocked but couldn't do anything as the enemies didn't stop there. They went roaming around to waver their focus but an abrupt attack towards Naruto made Kouri instinctively jumped in front of him. She blocked the attack but scrapping on Naruto's arm a little. She clicked her tongue as she glared down the enemy in front of her, hovering her spear in front.

"Who are you ?!" Kouri shouted but didn't get the answer. The enemy was wearing masks to conceal their identity. The other enemy had charged towards the old man, Tazuna, and Sakura quickly stood in front of him to protect him, but Sasuke moved faster towards her front to protect the two, which surprised Sakura. Before anything happened to them, someone jumped in front of them and it was a familiar silver-haired male, Kakashi-Sensei. Everyone was so shock at his appearance.

"Kakashi-sensei. I-I thought y-you.." Sakura stuttered as she tried to form a sentence.

"I didn't. I just stood behind to watch their moves. They are targetting Tazuna-san after all." he said as he eyeing the two enemies in front of him who had gathered together. 

"So.. You know they were around us since earlier ?" Kouri asked as she and Naruto jumped closer towards them, curious of the jonin who had the plan organized before she even could tell him.

"Yeah. There wouldn't be a puddle if it wasn't rain whole day." Kakashi told her, remembering the puddle they walked pass earlier before the ambush. Kouri nodded understanding.

"I'll finish them." Kouri said firmly before raising a certain hand sign in front of her but stopped by Kakashi.

"No need. They were about to flee anyway." He said and as if in cue, the enemies jumped away. Kouri slowly lowered her hand and sighed in relieved before placing her spear behind her securely. 

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