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-Sitarday- Thank you for tagging me!

Gender: Girl

Age: 14

Sexuality: Straight

Hobbies: Reading, listening to music and photography.

Favorite Shows: Law & Order and The Simpson's

Favorite Band: The Beatles! (Shocked right?)

Favorite Song: Right now it's You're Going To Lose That Girl

Strange Phobia: Spiders. I don't care if I'm bigger than them, they are still scary creatures!

Celebrity Crush:

Do you believe in ghosts or aliens? Both!

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Do you believe in ghosts or aliens? Both!

Believe in magic? No.

Astrological Sign: Libra

Last thought before going to bed last night:

One more chapter...

*passes out*

Did you ever have a crush on a fictional character? Yes. You've probably never heard of this book but in A Coal Miner's Bride, I had a crush on a character named Leon.

Do you play any instruments? The xylophone, I'm not to good but not to bad.

Best friend since you were six?
I don't have one.

Comforting sounds? John singing Across The Universe, the Wattpad notification noise, and classical music.

I'll tag:

You don't have to do it.

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