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Wes finally broke the chain, but the cuff was still around Mari's wrist. She decided that she liked it, it matched her Dead Zone one on the other wrist. It made her look like she survived something. As she supposed she did. She had survived so much in her life. Addiction. Rape. Murder. She was no longer the orphan on the streets that tried to steal the wrong wallet. She had grown so much in her years of life. Some of which she owed to the dead prince. But all of it came from her. She wasn't a child. She was barely a woman. She was a murderer. Cold hearted through and through. And she was going to kill the king. She was going to kill the king and rule the world.

When she had first came to the Dead Zone she was terrified. She wondered how she was going to survive this. But she learned. She adapted. She overcame. And the question turned to how she was going to get out of there. And she managed. And then she finally realized her goal. How was she going to kill the king?

But the question wasn't how anymore. It was when.

And she couldn't be more ready. She couldn't be more ready to break free from the chains that have bound her for so long. To slaughter the man oppressing those who dared to speak. She couldn't be more ready to warm her cold heart. She couldn't be more ready to fall in love in a world that she wasn't afraid to live in.

She wasn't afraid anymore. That scared, broken girl, the prince picked up from the streets was gone. The girl the king took advantage of was destroyed. She was a whole different person. And she was there to get revenge. She was there to spill blood. And she was not there to fail. She was there to kill the king.


Mari fired the gun into the air three times, effectively silencing any noise coming from the hidden city. Their attention turned to her, but she did not speak immediately, she took her time, shoving the gun into the waistband of her pants, and then she opened her mouth.

"Now," She started, her voice echoing. "is the time to fight back. Now is the time to stop hiding. I am going to kill the king. Each one of you will be freed from this prison that you have put yourself in. Boze is dead. It is up to you, it is your choice on what you do now. But now is the time to riot in the streets. Now it is the time to fight back. Now is the time to take now the tyrant ruling over all of us. Now is the time, now is the time to kill the king."

Her words were met with an uproar. People screaming from all areas in the room, screaming for their first chance for freedom. Screaming because this was their first chance to fight. To rally behind someone.

"Go!" Mari shouted, feeding the fire that she had stirred in the crowd. "Riot in the streets! Purge the houses! Go! Do your worst!" And the people who had stayed hidden for so long, scattered like dust in the wind, and Mari knew that it would only take a moment before the city was in flames.

She herself began marching forward, the boys on her heels. They seemed to realize that she had a plan, one that would require all of them. They seemed to realize it was crazy and yet they followed her all the same. They realized that there was no coming back from this. If the plan failed, their fate was sealed. If it succeeded? Nobody knew.

They marched out to a burning city. Fires had already been set to houses, people were screaming on the streets, sobbing in fear, over what they had lost. Compassion for them flowed through some of the group, but the continued to march forward, ignored the pained cries. They let the oppressed do what they wished, but deep inside they all knew that there was no difference between the city in the sewers and the city on the streets. Everyone was oppressed. Everyone deserved a second chance. Everyone deserved a life without the king. The king had to die, and Mari had to be the one to do it.

THE DEAD ZONE ~ MarhinkiWhere stories live. Discover now