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*trigger warning*

Boze entered the office and Mari hurriedly wiped the tears off her face. But it was too obvious that she had been crying, and Boze frowned down at her wilted appearance. 

"Oh, don't cry, darling," Boze cooed, running her fingers through the purple strands of Mari's hair. "I'm not going to hurt you, my dear." Mari flinched away from Boze's touch.

"Don't you dare touch me," Mari snarled, allowing herself to regain some of the strength she had thought that she lost. "Because you might not hurt me, but I for sure am going to hurt you." 

"Oh don't try, darling," Boze sneered. "I don't run this place for nothing." 

"And they didn't called me the queen of the Dead Zone for nothing. I think I outrank you."

"And yet who is attached to a desk? And who is free? Really, my dear, you are not in the place to make threats." Boze chuckled slightly before turning away, heading over to the area of her desk that Mari was not. 

"I'm always in the place to make threats. I don't know what in the world you want to do with me, but if you come anywhere near me I will kill you." Mari slammed her wrist down, letting the metal cut into her skin, the wood she was attached to creaked.

"You'll hurt yourself, stop." Boze said not even turning around. Mari stood slowly, raising her foot and slamming it against the part of the desk that she was attached to. The wood creaked again but did not break. She raised her foot to do it again, but Boze grabbed at her hair. "I told you to stop. I don't care if you are the fucking queen of this goddamn country, I am in control here, and you will listen to me. So stop." She released her hold on Mari's hair, and Mari looked her dead in the eye, before slamming her wrist downward anyway, letting the metal cut into her flesh again, making the wound deeper. 

"What has made you think that I will listen to you?" Mari sneered. Boze stormed up to her and slapped the purple haired woman across the face as hard as she was able to. Mari's head snapped to the side and slowly she worked her jaw, sending a glare back towards the short woman. 

"That," Boze snapped before spinning on her heal and digging in her desk for something else. Mari tried to see past her, but the woman was bent over the drawer, blocking her vision from whatever was inside. Mari soon gave up trying to see past her and glanced around the room for something she could use as a weapon. Finally she turned her attention to the chain, pulling it taut and slamming her foot onto it. She did it again and again, ignoring the other woman's warnings for her to stop. 

"Stop!" Boze roared, finally revealing what she was getting from the drawer. The gun was put to Mari's temple. "You are really fucking lucky that you are pretty," Boze snarled. "If you were anything else you would be dead."

"You're really fucking lucky that I am tied up," Mari snapped back. "If I were anything else you would be dead. Oh wait," She said, taking a moment to pretend to think. "You're already are." And in a swift movement, Mari jerked her leg out, effectively knocking Boze's legs out from under her and knocking her to the ground. In another movement, Mari snatched the gun from the falling girl as she tried to brace herself for impact, and picked it up, pointing the gun at the shorter woman. 

"Wait-" Boze started, but Mari cut her off, inspecting the gun that she pointed towards the woman on the floor.

"Now here is what you are going to do," Mari stated, curling her finger around the trigger of the gun. "You are going to find the key to these handcuffs and get me out of them, and then maybe, just maybe, will I consider letting you live." 

"And if I don't?" Boze sneered from her place on the floor. 

"Then you'll be dead."

"And you'll be trapped," Boze laughed. "Is that really what you want? You need me alive." 

"You think that this can hold me?" Mari smirked, she glanced down at the woman on the floor. "Really, darling, you are the one who needs me. I am offering you mercy, get the key, and you survive."

Boze looked up at the woman holding the gun and lunged at her. There was a battle for a moment and the gun went off.


The gunshot ran throughout the entire building, silencing any of the words the hideaways spoke. 

"Where did that come from?" Sohinki asked Damien with in a sharp whisper. Damien face was white with fear as he looked towards the room. Sohinki followed Damien's gaze, and soon his features grew panicked. "Mari was in that room. Oh my god, you got her killed."

Sohinki pushed past Damien, who was still with shock, racing towards the room with Lasercorn and Wes in tow. He threw open the door of the office, revealing s very shaken Mari, holding a gun loosely in her hand. The woman that lead them into the hideout was dead on the ground, blood spilling from a hole in her chest. Sohinki raced forward, kicking the body out of the way as he pulled Mari into an embrace. 

She pushed him off of her, pulling her arms around herself, denying herself any sort of comfort that he could offer her, and that was when he noticed the handcuff.

"Damien is a dead fucking man," Sohinki hissed and he snapped an order at the other men to get her out of her chains, while he goes to slaughter the doctor. 

Lasercorn knelt down in front of the woman who had tears dripping down her face. Wes looked through all the drawers, trying to find the key to the handcuffs.

"Did she hurt you?" Lasercorn was asking quietly, trying to comfort the woman, but she did not lift her eyes to meet the man in front of her. She only shook her had no, a quick jerk of her head, and then she stilled, the only movement was her heaving sobs. 

Wes couldn't find the key, and he knelt next to Mari, doing his best to break the chain away and freeing her. 

"It just reminded me of the first time," Mari finally spoke, glancing up at Lasercorn and at Wes who was desperately trying to free her. "It reminded me of the first time, when that asshole held me down, and only laughed when I tried to scream. I'm going to kill him. As soon as we can leave this horrid place, we hunt down the king-"

"And we kill the asshole that raped you," Lasercorn finished, a stern look on his face. 


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