Chapter 1

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Disclaimer : I don't own Marvel.


3rd Person's Pov

It's just another ordinary day in the Avengers Tower , All of them are huddled together in the living room , talking about where to go in their 4 months vacation.

..... Okay maybe it's not too ordinary but at least there's no alien invasions happening.

" Why don't you guys want to go to Las Vegas? It's great there" whined Tony as he pouted , gaining a glare from a red head.

" Shut it Stark , we want to enjoy ourselves , meaning not being smoldered by fans along the way" Natasha stated , gaining nods of agreement.

" But does that means we need to go to the other side of earth? Well at least I think that that part of earth don't really know about us" Clint suggested.

Sam shook his head " Oh God no , I've seen it before my own eyes" he shuddered.

The discussion went on for a while until someone said " Well wherever you guys go , have a great four months"

It got the attention of the group , shifting their gazes to the one and only , Ant man , walking away from the group.

Tony raised an eyebrow at the man " What do you mean , Antenna head?"

Scott turned around and faced the group , shrugging " I'm going back to my hometown , It's been a while and I definitely don't want a furious Scar on my tail" he said , shuddering at the thought.

" Scar?" Strange mused.

" Is she hot?" Wade grinned.

Tony nudged Wade's arm softly " Probably , counting the fact that he didn't say anything about this Scar" he whispered as they giggled like two teenage girls.

The others rolled their eyes while Scott face palmed before turning around and continuing to walk towards the elevator.

He walked in and pressed the floor of his room " Well , see you in four months" he said.

The elevator closed as the group continued their discussion.

" What if we follow Antenna head there? Maybe his hometown is a great place?" Tony suggested.

" I don't think we can just do that , Tony..." Bruce said.

" Yeah , Isn't that invading his privacy?" Steve said.

" Oh don't be such a party pooper Capsicle , besides he didn't tell us NOT to go there right?" Tony smirked.

Sam grinned " He didn't told us to not come" he said , looking at Clint.

Clint grinned too " And his hometown could be a nice change of environment" Sam and Clint highfived.

Natasha rolled her eyes before putting her hands up in surrender " Alright Alright , Since the blockheads are all in this.... I don't think we can change their minds now , so might as well join" she said , gaining some sigh from the others as the blockheads cheered in victory.

" But sir , where are we gonna stay? Since I don't think Mr.Wilson's house is big enough for all of us" Vision chimed in.

" That is where he come in handy" Natasha said , pointing at Tony.

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