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« p a m e l a  POV »

I woke up to Martina shaking me. It was Saturday morning

"wake up! Wake up!" She said as she was shaking me

"ok ok I'm up" I said sitting up

"go get dressed so we can eat breakfast"


I got up got and we went to eat breakfast we finished and sat down on the couch.

"I wonder were my mom is"

"yea me too"

As Martina said that I get a call and look at my screen and it says

' Mom💖💃🏼 is calling... '

I answer it and put it on speaker


P- "Hi mom where are you"

Y- "hi girls"

M- "hi Yoli"

Y- "I had to go somewhere but I talked to your mom Martina and your staying till Monday afternoon"

P&M- "Really?! YAY"

Y- "yes, and martina if you need anything from your house, Pam please take her"

P&M- "okay"

Y- "I'll be back soon I love you both"

M- "love you too"

P- "love you too bye"

Y- "Bye" and she hung up the phone

*End of Call*

When me mom hangs up we both get up and do our happy dances.

"what do you want to do?" I asked Martina

"how abouut"

"SHOPPING!!" We said together

"okay let's get dressed" I said

We went to my room and we changed.

I wore this ⬇️

Martina wore this ⬇️

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Martina wore this ⬇️

Martina wore this ⬇️

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