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« p a m e l a  POV »

After a long time of talking about random topics all of us went out for a walk on the beach which we took some pictures and posted them. i might've gotten some hate comments for being with the boys but i don't care it's my life i do as i please.

For melanie and jonah though ugh their so cute why can't they just date.

Zach and i ended up dropping off melanie at her apartment and jonah stayed behind with her.

"I wonder what there gonna do" i told zach when they both entered the building.

"I guess watch movies"  he said sarcastically which i laughed to.

He smiled back which i felt my cheeks get way to hot. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "your adorable" he said right after. He's so cute i can't.

He started the car and when we got to the house and shut off the car i couldn't help myself and i don't think zach couldn't either. Cause he grabbed my face and smashed his lips on mine and i of course kissed back.

We parted heavily breathing. "let's take this inside" he said, i simply nodded. We quickly got out of the car and he locked the car and ran to my side pinned me to the side of his car and immediately kissed me which instantly turned to a make out.

We walked over to the door without braking the kiss and he locked the door and walked into the house as we moved through the house and when we reached his room we locked the door and in a split second we were both well nude and i'm sure you know what happened next.

« m e l a n i e  POV »

I got out of the car and jonah came with me i don't know why he did but i didn't mind at all. He was walking behind me when zach and pamela left and he called out for me so i turned back to face him.

"i just wanted to say that um.. your very pretty and that i.. um.. like you like a lot." he said staring into my eyes all i could do was smile, i have waited so long for this.

"i like you too jonah, like a lot." i said and he smiled. he's so cute and hot and just ugh.

We we're both staring into each other's eyes full of lust but mostly love and he seized the moment and started to lean in.

i softly placed his lips on mine and kissed me softly of course i kissed back i mean who wouldn't. it quickly turned to make out and it got very heated fast we were now on the couch in my living room, me on top of him.

We separated breathing heavily.

"how about we take things slow." we both said at the same time.

"i don't want to rush anything." i said, he nodded in response.

i got off his lap and sat next to him cuddling up to his side. he smiled and so did i.

"movie?" he asked.

"yeah sure but what kind?" i asked him

"harry potter?" he suggested.

"yes!" i said giggling and he chuckled.

"your so cute." he said kissing my head as i turn on my tv to go on netflix.

"no you!" i said. "definitely you." he said and i smiled.

*time skip*

« j o n a h POV »

She looked peaceful sleeping in my arms. the movie ended but i can't help but smile to the fact that a grew a pair and told her how i felt. and that she's now sleeping in my arms. i laid my head down and fell asleep happily with melanie in my arms.


thank you for reading i hope you liked it. i'm so sorry i take like 5 years to update but i'll try to get better at it but now for finals!

anyway have a great day loves❤️

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